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中文篇名 |
格物致學:跨界合作中物件喚起調適性學習的歷程 | |
英文篇名 |
Adaptive Learning through Objects within Cross-boundary Collaboration Process | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
本文以詮釋型個案研究法說明跨界合作的歷程,並闡述參與者如何運用物件喚起調適性學習。本研究採用工作實務的角度調查並分析網路口碑服務商與雲端平台業者合作之案例,以瞭解參與者如何隨著「疆界物件」喚起「調適性學習」的歷程。經過理論與實務的對話以及邏輯的推論,本文的研究發現有三: 一、將跨界合作歷程依「疆界物件」之更換( shifting) 區分為四個階段:需求物件、合法物件、說服物件、合約物件。二、如何透過疆界物件喚起調適性學習,分別為利用「物」喚起蒐集所需的資訊;借用「物」喚起參與者的敏感度;運用「物」喚起重建新的知識體系;活用「物」喚起彼此持續修正行為。三、參與者透過物件學習到跨界合作的新知識「物裡學」──「以物聚焦: 以物學習去釐清彼此的需求」;「以物具象: 以物學習具體化彼此的想像」;「以物建模:以物學習去調合彼此的資源」;「以物創利:以物學習去共創彼此的利益」。這樣的研究發現有助於跨界合作理論、物件理論、調適性學習理論之延伸,並對管理跨界合作任務具有實務意涵。 | |
英文摘要 |
This paper employs interpretive approach to study a cross-boundary spanning process, and details how participants use “objects” to engage in adaptive learning. This study investigated and analyzed a collaboration case involving an electronic word-of-mouth service provider and a cloud platform firm based on work practice lens in order to understand the nature of adaptive learning with “boundary objects” by the participants. As a result, there are three findings: First, there are four stages within the cross-boundary spanning process as the “boundary objects” shifting: needs object, legitimizing object, persuasion object and contract object. Second, the study discussed how participants used boundary objects to do adaptive learning. They used objects to collect data, borrowing objects to increase their sensitivity, employing objects to readjust new knowledge system and take advantage of objects to modify mutual behavior. Third, participants acquire a new knowledge through object learning including communication with objects subject to needs, concrete with objects subject to imagination, molding with objects subject to resources and benefit with objects subject to interest. These research findings will facilitate the extension of cross-boundary spanning theory, object theory and adaptive learning theory as well as have practical implications to cross-boundary spanning tasks. | |
關鍵詞 |
工作實務、物件、個案研究、跨界合作、調適性學習、work practice、objects、case study、cross-boundary collaboration、adaptive learning | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
113-165 | |
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DOI | ||
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