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中文篇名 |
開卷有益、「閱閱」欲試:我國「閱讀起步走」計畫對於學童學習成效的影響 | |
英文篇名 |
Reading is Always Beneficial! The Impacts of Bookstart Program on Elementary School Student’s Academic Performance | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
閱讀起步走計畫引入我國已經超過20 年,逐漸成熟。過去許多相關研究多以政策擴散或是政策執行的面向切入,或有計畫成效的探討,也多以自我評估方式為之,缺乏比較完整的實證分析結果。本研究以國小的國語、數學、自然、社會四科成績作為計畫是否具有成效的客觀指標,結合問卷資料,探討「閱讀起步走」計畫是否真正的開卷有益?研究結果顯示:一、學童家長或家庭背景因素影響學童參與閱讀起步走計畫的情況;二、參與該計畫的經驗對於學童各科的學業成績有顯著的正面影響;三、參與閱讀起步走計畫對於學童學業成績的影響,不會受到是否參加補習、是否經常去圖書館、是否參與臺中市的線上閱讀認證的影響。本研究認為,政府應繼續投資並嘗試提升計畫的服務品質,透過政策行銷以擴大計畫的服務範圍,以閱讀翻轉學童的視野與未來。 | |
英文摘要 |
The Bookstart program has been introduced into Taiwan for more than twenty years. Many previous studies examined this program from the policy diffusion or implementation perspective, only a few of them focused on the performance aspect, and most of these studies adopt the self-evaluation approach (e.g., survey). A more systematic and comprehensive empirical research is needed to examine the impacts of the experience of participation in Bookstart on individual’s academic performance. This paper combines the objective indicators of academic performance (i.e., the scores of Chinese, mathematics, natural sciences and social sciences of an elementary school) and selfreported subjective survey research to study whether the experience is really beneficial for young students. One thousand and fifty-three students of DaDe Elementary School, Taichung City, were surveyed. Research results indicate that: (1) The socio-economic backgrounds of the parents will affect whether their youngsters will participate the Bookstart or not. (2) Bookstart experience will have positive and significant impacts on the student’s academic performance. (3) The influence is not affected by the moderators, such as taking after school lessons, going to library regularly, and taking online reading certification. It is recommended that central and local governments should continue to support the program and to enhance its quality, it is always beneficial for the students, families and the society to encourage more youngsters to read as early as possible. | |
關鍵詞 |
政策績效、線上閱讀認證、閱讀起步走、學業成績、program performance、online reading certification、Bookstart、academic achievement | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
029-059 | |
出版單位 |
國立中正大學政治學系 | |
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