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中文篇名 |
我國災難管理機制問題與策略之分析:協力治理觀點 | |
英文篇名 |
Analysing on Mechanism Problems and Reform Strategies of Taiwan’s Disaster Management Mechanism Under the Perspective of Collaborative Governance | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
我國災難管理機制在歷經複合性災害考驗後,曾在政府決策、府際溝通、救災動員與緊急安置等面向出現治理失靈現象,進而促成《災害防救法》自2008年起著手修訂重要的條文規範。本文為探究臺灣災難管理機制的運作問題、謀求因應策略的共識,遂以「協力治理」觀點凸顯公、私夥伴協力參與災難管理的關鍵議題,實施並彙整14人次深度訪談後,運用MAXQDA質性分析軟體進行訪談內容分析,歸納後聚焦於「組織設計、資訊流通、溝通協調」三大面向,探討臺灣災難管理機制之規劃及營運, 並邀請16位受訪專家學者填寫兩輪德爾菲(Delphi)問卷,問卷基礎為「我國災難管理現行問題之討論」、「應用策略與解決方案之討論」與「未來可行機制之組織設計討論」等三部分,並依據平均數、標準差彙整受訪意見的共識程度。分析結果顯示,德爾菲問卷調查最後獲得六項高度共識意見,藉由理論與共識結果的整合,進一步提出穩固與強化我國災難管理機制之研究建議。 | |
英文摘要 |
After tested by multiple disasters, the disaster management mechanism in Taiwan malfunctioned successively in the aspects of policy making, intergovernmental communication, mobilization for disaster response, and emergency settlement. The malfunctioning mechanism caused the amendment and revision of the important articles of “Disaster Prevention and Response Act” since 2008. For exploring the operation problems of Taiwan’s disaster management mechanism and seeks for consensus for the coping strategies, the idea of “collaborative governance” was taken in this article. It emphasized the role and functions of civil society in the case of disaster management. The 14 in-depth interviews implemented, and the qualitative software of MAXQDA utilized for content analysis in the research process. After that, “organizational design,” “information circulation,” and “coordinative communication” summarized for Delphi questionnaire design. The 16 interviewed scholars and experts were invited to fill in two rounds of Delphi-method questionnaire. Then the mean and standard deviation (SD) had applied as judgement criteria for high-level consensus on each questioned items. The result of Delphi survey had obtained six questioned items with high-level consensus. Based on the result, the essay concludes four research recommendations for better disaster management in Taiwan in the future. | |
關鍵詞 |
災害整備與應變、災難管理、協力治理、非政府組織、disaster preparedness and response、disaster management、collaborative governance、non-governmental organizations (NGOs) | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
001-035 | |
出版單位 |
第三部門學刊編輯委員會 | |
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