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- 出版單位:東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
Social Analysis
201208 (5期) 目錄
- 「小人」「閑居」為「不善」?生活經驗、社會資本與青年休閒活動參與 Is Idleness Bad? Early Life Experiences, Social Capital and Leisure Activity of Taiwanese Youths
- 台灣中老年女性家庭照顧者經濟安全之研究 The Analysis of Economic Security of Taiwanese Middle-Aged and Elderly Women Caregivers
- 貧富差距擴大下的家戶消費與儲蓄,1996-2009 The Changes in Household Consumption and Savings as the Gap between the Rich and Poor Increased from 1996 to 2009
- 1689 年之後,荷蘭船不再來:一種社會學解釋初探 The Dutch Ships Would Not Return Any More after 1689: A Preliminary Sociological Explanation