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- 出版單位:東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
Social Analysis
201402 (8期) 目錄
- 女性貧民窟的長存:台灣報業組織的女性化 Sustaining The Women's Ghetto: Feminization of Newspaper Organizations
- 做代工,還是要建立自有品牌?胡適禪宗史研究的再檢討 Doing by OEM or OBM? Reflection on the Study of Shih Hu on the Ch'an History
- 身體質量指數對北台灣青少年同儕關係和自尊發展的影響 The Impacts of Body Mass Index on Northern Taiwanese Adolescents' Peer Relations and Self-Esteem Development
- 初探台灣的議題動員取向演唱會:以「正義無敵」及「音樂.生命.大樹下」為例 A Preliminary Exploration of the Issue-Mobilization Oriented Concert in Taiwan: The Cases of the "Justice for All" and "Music, Life, Under the Tree"