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- 出版單位:東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
Social Analysis
201502 (10期) 目錄
- 從新教倫理到資本主義精神︰從量變-質變因素來重新審視Max Weber的《基督新教倫理與資本主義精神》 From the Protestant Ethics to the Spirit of the Capitalism: What Can Do the Transformation of Quantitative Into Qualitative Changes in the Reading of The Protestant Ethics of Max Weber
- 個別化原則與台灣融合教育:聽障青年的融合教育經驗分析 Individualization Principle in Inclusive Education in Taiwan: Analysis of Experiences of Five Young Adults with Hearing Impairment
- 領先使用者與社會技術創新:台灣太陽光電的示範應用發展 Lead User and Socio-Technical Innovation: The Demonstration Application of Photovoltaic in Taiwan
- 日日春行動者的反思:性交易修法歷程的社會探究 COSWAS’ Campaign for Legal Reform on the Sex Trade in Taiwan: A Social Inquiry