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Angle Accounting Magazine
201801 (1期) 簡介
201801 (1期) 目錄
- 財務報告不實之會計師賠償責任──最高法院105年度臺上字第2202號民事判決評析【學習式判解評析】 CPA’s Liability for False Financial Reporting: Comment on the Supreme Court Civil Judgment No.2202 in 2016
- 獵雷艦乙案能否掃出下個授信地雷?【時事直擊】 Would the Minesweeper Project Scandal Help us De-Mine Next Bad Debts?
- 會計不只是會計,創造你的附加價值 Not Just Accounting, Create Your Own Value
- 財政部落實《納稅者權利保護法》具體作法【本月企劃】 Enforcement Measures for The Taxpayer Rights Protection Act
- 從稅務查核與爭訟實務觀點談納稅者權利保護法施行後對於協力義務之期待【本月企劃】 Expectation on Fulfilment of Collaborative Obligation from Tax Audit and Dispute Resolution’s Perspective upon Enactment of the Taxpayer Rights Protection Act
- 論租税規避在關税上的適用【本月企劃】 A Study of Tax Avoidance on Tariffs
- 自動補報繳免罰與納稅者權利保護法之關聯【本月企劃】 The Relationship between The Remitted from Punishments and The Taxpayer Right Protection Act
- 稅務解釋函令與納稅人權利保護【本月企劃】 Tax Rulings and Taxpayers’ Right Protection
- 秩序與效率的價值傾向選擇——評《中華人民共和國會計法》會計從業資格的取消【月旦時論】 Comparison of the Laws of Accounting Information Production between Taiwan and Mainland China
- 企業會計人員的證照——兩岸比較【月旦時論】 Certificates for Private Accountants: Comparison between Strait
- 臺灣與大陸會計資訊編製法律之比較 【月旦時論】 Comparison of the Laws of Accounting Information Production between Taiwan and Mainland China
- 會計師執行業務之責任及法律風險【月旦時論】 The Responsibilities and Legal Risks of CPAs in the Execution of Business
- 彰顯企業價值新工具──企業社會責任報告書【月旦時論】 Corporate Social Responsibility Report: A New Path to Create Corporate Values
- 洗錢防制與稅務查核【執業進修】 Money Laundering Control and Tax Auditing
- 淺談企業舞弊偵防【執業進修】 Introduction of Fraud Prevention and Detection
- 實價登錄可否作為課稅依據呢?【執業進修】 Can Actual Transaction Price Become Tax Base?