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Journal of Hakka Public Affairs
201511 (12期) 目錄
- 客家政策、青少年文化參與及藝術家養成 Hakka Policy, Cultural Participation of the Youths and the Cultivation of Artists
- 臺灣客家餐飲產業與客家飲食的品質建構:以大臺北地區的客家餐館為例 Hakka Restaurant Industry and the Quality Construction of Hakka Cuisine: A Case Study of Hakka Restaurants in the Greater Taipei
- 全球跨域治理浪潮中的「客家文化重點發展區」議題:建構「客家地域發展計畫」之芻議 We Need “Hakka Region Plans”: Research on Development Issues of Hakka Region in the Global Wave of Cross-Boundary Governance
- 客家文化重點發展區內的新移民子女語言使用與客家認同:以桃園市國小學童為例 The Study of the New Immigrants’ Children and Hakka Identity in the Major Hakka Cultural Areas: The Example of the Primary School Students in the Taoyuan City