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中文篇名 |
政府暨準政府機構創設的非政府組織之治理分析:以台灣的農業財團法人為例 | |
英文篇名 |
The Governance of Governmental NGOs: A Case Study of the Foundations for Agricultural Affairs in Taiwan | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
所謂「政府創設的非政府組織」(GONGO)是指由政府創設的半官方性質的民間非營利組織,主要的目的在於協助政府推動公共政策,因此該類型的組織可說是政府政策推動的工具。本論文的目的在於分析台灣的農業財團法人中主要由政府出資成立,以及近似公部門組織的農、漁會、農田水利會所籌設成立的財團法人組織之治理。分析的面向包含:一、組織的使命;二、董事會的組成;三、董事的替換與流動;四、董事會的專業分工;五、董事會的功能發揮;六、影響董事會功能發揮的因素。本研究發現,GONGO型的農業財團法人組織在成立之初大都獲得政府有形或無形的支持,或者在組織發起之初即是由政府參與發起的。這類組織的主要任務是「協助政府推動政策」與「產業發展」,顯示這類組織的成立確實負有協助政府推動政策並促進產業發展的任務,因此也可以從這類組織身上看到政府的影子。而從捐助章程裡也發現除了宗旨、任務之外,在基金捐資比例、董事產生席次,以及經費來源,都同樣看到政府的身影。 | |
英文摘要 |
The so-called "Governmental NGO"(GONGO) is a kind of non-governmental organization whose establishment or major finance is primarily initiated by governmental agencies to achieve the goal of assisting them in the implementation of public policy. As a result, GONGO is viewed oftentimes as the policy tool of the public sector. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the governance of those GONGO-type foundations for agricultural affairs in Taiwan, which can be divided into two categories—one created directly or indirectly and financed mostly by Taiwanese government, the other initiated directly and financed mostly by agricultural/fishery associations, or agencies of water conservancy in Taiwan. The dimensions of GONGO's governance discussed mainly in this paper include: 1. Mission and goal, 2. Composition of the boards, 3. Term of the boards, 4. Specialization of the boards, 5. Role and function of the boards, and 6. Factors influencing the function of the boards. | |
關鍵詞 |
政府創設的非政府組織、農業財團法人、治理、董事會、GONGO、Foundations for Agricultural Affairs、Governance、and Boards of Directors | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
127-168 | |
出版單位 | ||
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