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中文篇名 |
解嚴後臺灣婦女運動回顧與展望 免費試閱 | |
英文篇名 |
A Review and Prospect of the Post- Martial-Law Women’s Movement in Taiwan | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
本文回顧解嚴以來臺灣婦女運動的發展與成果,並指出其中兩個重要轉變。其一是運動議題的多元化和立場的分化,特別是性解放論述造成的婦運對立,使得與性自主相關政策不再有一致的「婦女團體立場」;其二是與國家的關係從對抗轉為參與、合作,特別是促成中央與地方政府成立「婦權會」的諮詢參與機制,增加了民間婦團在體制內發言的機會與影響力,但也可能有發言權壟斷和菁英化的危險。作者認為這兩個轉變的交疊,剛好揭示了差異政治對未來婦運的挑戰,特別是在接近決策權力之後,對價值衝突的處理。因此本文最後提出對立民主的概念,做為回應這個挑戰的暫結語。 | |
英文摘要 |
This paper reviews the development and progress of women’s movement in Taiwan after the lifting of the Martial Law in 1987, and points out two critical trends. The first trend is the diversification and fragmentation of gender movement agendas. There is arguably no more unified stance regarding sexual autonomy issues among women’s movement groups. The second is the changing relationship between women’s activism and the State, namely from confrontation to participation and collaboration. A particular milestone is the establishment of women’s policy machineries in the central as well as local governments. It grants women’s activists the opportunity and position to speak within the State, but also incurs the risk that the position is dominated by a few advantaged groups. The two changes combined reveal the challenge of difference politics for the future women’s movements, particularly for those who have gained access to decision-making positions. In the concluding remark, therefore, the author draws on the concept of agonistic democracy to address the challenge. | |
關鍵詞 |
性別主流化、差異政治、國家女性主義、婦女政策機制、婦女運動、gender mainstreaming、politics of difference、state feminism、women’s policy machinery、women’s movement | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
015-031 | |
出版單位 |
第三部門學刊編輯委員會 | |
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