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中文篇名 |
慈濟功德會人力資源的分析:社會資本的觀點 | |
英文篇名 |
An Analysis of Human Resources of Buddhist Tzu-Chi Merits Society: From the Perspective of Social Capital | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
非營利組織如雨後春筍般地急遽成長,其活動包括社會服務、政策倡導、教育文化、醫療衛生及宗教等多項範疇,對國家社會之影響至鉅。近年來,慈濟功德會的迅速擴張,已經成為台灣地區會員人數最為龐大的宗教性非營利組織,並為當代台灣社會集體記憶的一部分。因此,當「慈濟現象」作為一項社會事實,且已成為台灣民眾日常生活的一種切身經驗時,則對於「慈濟經驗」的人力資源考察,自當成為核心論述的重要課題。鑑此,本研究將從社會資本理論的觀點,來考察慈濟功德會的人力資源,瞭解慈濟人力資源和社區緊密結合的互動網絡,以及由此衍生出社會資本之豐富性意涵。是以,本研究旨在透過對慈濟功德會人力資源的社會資本考察,一方面對慈濟董事會、專職人員與志工等三方面的發展脈絡及互動關係從事理論與實務的探索,另一方面則是深入分析慈濟功德會人力資源運作的社會資本意涵。藉著慈濟經驗對人力資源發展的耙梳,進一步來檢證與省思宗教性非營利組織的社會動員能量與影響力。 | |
英文摘要 |
Non-profit organizations have emerged and grown rapidly, and covered wide areas including social service, policy promulgation, education and culture, medical service, and religions with significant influences on the nation and society. In recent years, Buddhist Tzu-Chi Merits Society has expanded quickly, and become the largest religious non-profit organization in Taiwan, as well as the collective memory of the Taiwanese society. Therefore, when "Tzu-Chi phenomenon" becomes a social fact, and real life experience to Taiwanese people in daily living, the investigation on the human resources of "Tzu-Chi experience" is the focus of this study. Therefore, this study explored the human resources of Buddhist Tzu-Chi Merits Society from the perspective of social capital theory, in order to understand the interactive network that bonded the human resources of Tzu-Chi and the community, as well as the rich connotation of social capital derived therefrom. The objectives of this study were, based on the investigation of the social capital of the Tzu-Chi human resources, on one hand, to probe into the development context of the foundation boards, full-time staffs and volunteers and their interactive relationships based on viewpoints of theories and practices, and on another hand, to analyze the connotation of the social capital of the Tzu-Chi human resources. Based on the development of human resources in "Tzu-Chi experience", this study attempted to verify and reflect upon the social mobility power and influences of the religious non-profit organization. | |
關鍵詞 |
非營利組織、社會資本、社會網絡、人力資源、慈濟功德會、non-profit organization、social capital social network、human resources Buddhist Tzu-Chi Merits Society | |
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起訖頁 |
27-67 | |
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