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中文篇名 |
家族集團接班資源與角色鑲嵌關係:網絡觀點之初探 | |
英文篇名 |
The Relationship between Succession Resources and Role Embeddedness in Family Business Group: A Network Perspective | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
家族式經營是台灣企業常見的治理模式,而下一代能否順利接班,攸關家族企業的發展與延續。當家族下一代有多位可能接班競爭者時,接班過程其實是這些競爭者之間的一場競賽。本研究從網絡觀點,以台灣兩個具有代表性的家族集團企業,共50位第二代家族成員為分析對象,透過二十餘年跨時資料,以及9,916對家族成員配對樣本的實證分析,嘗試探討這些家族集團內,具有接班可能性的第二代競爭者之間,其角色鑲嵌如何影響到其掌握之接班資源。本研究結果顯示,家族成員之性別(男性)是可取得接班地位的必要條件,但並非充分條件;而第二代成員間若具有兄弟關係,或是具有姻親關係,其可掌握的接班資源會較為相近,但是堂兄弟關係則會使彼此間可掌握資源差距拉大。另外,接班競爭者是否系出同一母親,亦可能影響其彼此所掌握的資源與權力差距。 | |
英文摘要 |
Succession is one of the toughest questions for family businesses, which depends on a variety of factors, including the status of and the resources available for potential successors in the family. The succession process can thus be considered a contest among family members in the next generation. From the perspective of network theory, this paper aims to investigate the extent to which the role embeddedness of family members influences the resource available for potential successors. In a sample of 50 family members in two family business groups over two decades, the study shows that the age differential, gender of potential successors, their horizontal roles at the dyad level, and the born-by-the-same-mother nature may determine their resource availability and power controlled. | |
關鍵詞 |
家族接班、集團企業、網絡理論、Succession、Family Business Group、Network Theory | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
155-195 | |
出版單位 | ||
DOI | ||
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