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中文篇名 |
知識管理研究之本質:組織知識的統治 | |
英文篇名 |
The Nature of Knowledge Management: Governing the Organizational Knowledge | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
知識管理主要的挑戰源於組織知識不易流動的知識特性,因此明確地釐清組織每一知識活動所衍生之知識流,並以知識流之特性做為統治機制之設計基礎,厥為因應此一挑戰性之可行方法之一。這樣的知識統治觀點(knowledge governonce perspective, KGA),其本質即在於強調知識管理的研究應回歸知識活動的基本面知識流。在此一基本前提下,本文詳細且深入地探討KGA之理論意涵、核心的基本概念,以及主要的理論基礎。此外,本文以當前知識管理研究文獻非常普遍的兩個課題知識分享與知識創造為例,討論KGA對此二課題之研究意涵,並分別提出幾個重要的研究觀念(變數)。最後,本文亦針對KGA之知識管理研究,提出未來仍有待克服,以及後續值得深入研究之議題與努力的方向。 | |
英文摘要 |
One major challenge for knowledge management is the governance for the stick organizational knowledge. To respond to this challenge, organizations need to clearly identify and understand the knowledge flows generated in knowledge activities. Building on such understanding, organizations can design knowledge governance mechanisms effectively. The essence of knowledge governance perspective (KGA) is effective organizing of knowledge flows. The present paper aims to review the core concepts and implications of KGA. Furthermore, the paper discusses the research implications of and constructive variables in KGA on the popular KM imperatives: knowledge sharing and creation. Finally, the paper proposes potential directions of future research for the knowledge governance research per se. | |
關鍵詞 |
知識管理、知識統治、知識流、認知理論、knowledge management、knowledge governance、knowledge flow、cognitive theory | |
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期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
001-035 | |
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