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- 出版單位:東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
中文篇名 |
文化認同的建構可以立基於價值中立概念上嗎?以余英時《中國近世宗教倫理與商人精神》一書為例 免費試閱 | |
英文篇名 |
Can the Construction of the Cultural Identity Base Itself on the Conception of Wertfreiheit? The Case of Yü Ying-Shih's Zhongguo Jinshi Zongjiao Lunli Yu Shangren Jingshen | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
雖然余英時《中國近世宗教倫理與商人精神》一書受到某些強烈批評,特別是圍繞在他對Weber方法論的誤解上,然而我們認為它並未因此失去重要性。我們將要論證,吾人能夠在社會科學嚴格學術研究裡找到價值觀念──它支配著研究如何被展現這項過程。不僅如此,這項過程同時可以實現一次Weber「價值中立」概念。《中國近世宗教倫理與商人精神》一書正是以這樣方式,完成某一特定類型文化認同的建構。余英時這項研究的目的在於想像歷史上的一種「中國」。《中國近世宗教倫理與商人精神》一書想像的中國文明,尤其在前近代時期,是能與近代西方文明順利調和的。換言之,對於遙遠傳統的追溯與汲取似乎是有益的,因為它被視為有用且可利用的資源。同時,在近代西方與古典中國之間,存在著一種值得注意的親近性。以此觀之,把余英時這項研究定位為Weber《新教倫理》的一種笨拙仿傚將會是不適宜的;理由是,這項研究透露了一種文化認同,其論證並沒有因此變為無效。 | |
英文摘要 |
Although Yü’s Zhongguo Jinshi Zongjiao Lunli Yu Shangren Jingshen (The Modern Religious Ethics) has undergone a number of violent criticism, particularly regarding its misunderstandings about the methodology of Max Weber, it seems to us, this book does not lose its importance. We are going to demonstrate that we can find the notion of values in the rigorous research in social sciences, notion which governs the process in which a research is displayed. It arrives not only, at the same time, this process can realize the notion of “Wertfreiheirt” according to Weber. It is in this way that The Modern Religious Ethics, accomplish the construction of a specific type of cultural identity. This work led by him has for objective the imagination of historical “China”. The Chinese civilization that The Modern Religious Ethics imagines is reconcilable especially in its pre-modern period with the modern Western civilization. In other words, the draw and the ascent to the distant traditions seem to be beneficial, because they are seen as useful and available resources. At the same time, between the modern West and classic China, a remarkable affinity exists. From this point of view, it will be not so relevant to qualify this study of Yü of a heavy copying of Protestant Ethics of Weber, for this research reveals a cultural identity the demonstration of which is not invalidated as a result. | |
關鍵詞 |
文化認同、余英時、基督新教倫理、價值中立、價值關聯、cultural identity、Yü Ying-Shih、protestant ethic、wertfreiheit、wertbeziehung | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
121-153 | |
出版單位 |
東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系 | |
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