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- 出版單位:東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
中文篇名 |
台灣製造業廠商採用數位化訓練的制度分析:以高科技業為主 免費試閱 | |
英文篇名 |
An Institutional Analysis of Using E-Learning at Hi-Tech Manufacturing Firms in Taiwan | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
近年來,廠商數位化(e-learning)的人才培訓,伴隨著網路科技的發達以及全球化的高度競爭,不僅成為國內、外廠商培訓員工的主要方式之一,亦是組織研究、人力資源管理、商管等領域的重要研究議題。許多研究皆已指出台灣屬於後進學習型國家,透過代工,不同產業在1980年代都進入全球商品鏈生產分工的半邊陲位置。然而,過去有關台灣或經濟發展中國家如何技術學習的文獻中,很少深入討論技術接收國的廠商之技術學習與科技的關係。尤其對於影響廠商採納數位化培訓制度的機制掌握不清,亦對廠商引入科技去培訓員工的理由邏輯缺乏理解。本研究認為,要掌握台灣廠商人才培育經驗的特性,必須發展出台灣本土經驗的分析架構,而非不加反省地按照西方的觀點或者既有經濟學式的理性效率觀點進行解釋。奠基在深度訪問41家廠商,與其他相關人資協會、政府官員、教育訓練機構人員,總共72 人的田野訪問資料,以及問卷調查122 家廠商人才培育的經驗,本研究掌握到影響廠商採納數位化培訓方式的主要機制,同時亦深入探究廠商行動者的理由邏輯。本研究發現,後進學習廠商的數位化人才培訓經驗,必須更細緻地依照廠商在全球商品鏈的結構分工之生產技術立基(製造代工與設計代工)進行劃分,此相對應出的雙軌(dual track)「後進追隨學習」與「後進追趕創新」的廠商數位化人才培訓邏輯,可以適切地解釋台灣製造業廠商引入科技與員工培訓結合的經驗。 | |
英文摘要 |
Many studies have categorized Taiwan as a “learning latecomer”. Through Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), Taiwan started to join the global commodity and supply chains in the 1980s and attained semi-peripheral positions in the global division of production. Previous studies, however, have determined little regarding how technology-receiving countries, such as Taiwan, through e-learning to train their workers of local firms. Because few studies have examined this topic, this study explored an indigenous analytical framework regarding the institutional characteristics of e-learning for OEM and Original-Design- Manufacturer (ODM) firms. To further explore how manufacturing companies use e-learning to train their staff members and employees, this study collected data from in-depth interviews and questionnaires. On the basis of interviews with human resource managers at 41 companies (officers as well as leaders of human resource associations and training institutes), the study selected a survey sample of 72 interviewees. In addition, the study comprises accumulated training experiences from 122 companies as well. This research puts the main theoretical emphasis on the forces of global production networks, and Taiwanese firms located in different positions of production technological chains develop different logics of action practices to deal with the demands of global customers and the characteristics of organizational fields. OEM and ODM firms have developed two e-learning institutions: a latecomer’s learning of following and a latecomer’s learning of innovative catch-up. This dual institutional logic regarding e-learning might help explain Taiwan manufacturers’ training experiences. | |
關鍵詞 |
全球商品鏈、制度分析、教育訓練、組織研究、數位化、global commodity chain、institutional analysis、training、organizational study、e-learning | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
001-067 | |
出版單位 |
東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系 | |
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