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中文篇名 |
近代日本客家觀的形成與發展:戰前與戰後的比較分析 免費試閱 | |
英文篇名 |
The Formation and the Development of Hakka Images in Modern Japan: A Comparative Analysis between Prewar Era and Postwar Era | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
本研究以戰前階段與戰後階段,論述與分析近代日本客家研究的發展,以及在不同時期客家研究的環境下,日本所形成的客家觀與客家認識。本研究發現,在研究者(who)的面向上,戰前的日本客家研究,主要是以政府機關為主,戰後的日本客家研究則是以個別研究者為主。在研究途徑(how)的面向上,戰前的日本客家研究是以地理人文內容的調查報告,戰後的日本客家研究則是關注族群認同與文化特色的多元研究。綜上所述,近代日本的客家研究,是從戰前的「調查」客家到戰後的「研究」客家;而近代日本的客家觀,則是從戰前的「抗爭好鬥的客家」,到戰後的「尋求認同的客家」。 | |
英文摘要 |
This paper aims on the development of Hakka studies in Japan. Under the different factors of period and environment, the Hakka images in Japan could be divided into the prewar era and the postwar era. It was found that two kinds of researchers play its important roles in modern Japan, including administrations in prewar period and individuals in the postwar era. We also found that the geographical investigation was the main approach of Hakka studies in the prewar Japan, and the multi analysis was the other main approach of Hakka studies in the prewar Japan. Therefore, the Hakka images in Japan shows the following changes from the prewar era to the postwar era. They are from “investigate Hakka” to “study Hakka,” and form “aggressive Hakka” to “recognition-seeking Hakka.” | |
關鍵詞 |
日本客家研究、日本客家觀、知識體系、Hakka studies in Japan、Hakka images in Japan、architectonic | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
025-041 | |
出版單位 | ||
DOI | ||
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