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- 出版單位:國立中央大學客家學院
中文篇名 |
以六級產業理論析探地方產業發展之策略─苗栗大湖草莓為例 | |
英文篇名 |
The Strategy of Regional Industry Development by Six-grade Industry: The Case Study of Miaoli Dahu Strawberry Industry | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
「第六次產業」係由日本東京大學今村奈良臣所提出的理論觀點,又名「六級產業」,以一級農業生產為基礎,進而拓展二級加工產業,以及三級服務與節慶行銷等概念,強調1×2×3=6之綜效化,提升附加價值並增加就業,全面提振農業經濟活力。理論重點要讓農產品的附加價值能回歸到農事者,提高農業生產的主體性,將農產品附加價值留在農業地區。本研究以六級產業理論析探苗栗大湖草莓產業的發展策略,透過公、私部門協力推動,檢視大湖草莓產業的生產技術、農產加工、節慶與體驗行銷等策略,採取社會網絡分析問卷,並深度訪談大湖草莓產業利害關係人對地方產業發展的貢獻與影響,以做為台灣地方政府推動特色產業發展之參考。 | |
英文摘要 |
The “Six-grade Industry” concept is promoted by Naraomi Imamura, an agricultural economist in the University of Tokyo. The theory is based on primary industry, and further expansion to secondary industrial sectors, and the use of the element of tertiary industry as well as the concept of festival marketing, and focus on the synergy of “1×2×3=6.” By utilizing integration of agriculture producing, processing and selling, in order to expand value added of agricultural product and stimulate employment of rural villages, and promote economy in rural areas. The goal of Six-grade industry concept focus on backing added value to farmers and workers in primary sectors, and expanding the importance of primary sectors. The article tries to apply this concept to discuss in the strawberry industry of Dahu township. By collaboration of public and private sectors check technology of producing, processing in agricultural products, selling place and tactics of experiential marketing. Using social network analysis and interview interested party in Dahu strawberry industry. At the end of the article, the study aims at summarizing results and strategies of management in developing Dahu strawberry industry. Moreover, these results can provide some suggestion about improving development of regional special industries in Taiwan. | |
關鍵詞 |
六級產業、地方產業、社會網絡、協力、Six-grade industry、regional industry、social network analysis、collaboration | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
001-027 | |
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