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中文篇名 |
新自由主義的兩張面孔:分析社會福利民營化政策的脫鉤與接合對身心障礙者運動的影響 免費試閱 | |
英文篇名 |
The Two Faces of Neoliberalism: How the Decoupling and Coupling of Privatization Impact the Disability Movements | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
新制度論主張採行制度將導致同形化現象,但有越來越多經驗現象顯示異質性的存在。為了探究此一研究缺口,本研究試圖從制度執行過程重新檢視同形化的主張。具體而言,本研究探討全球擴散的新自由主義執行過程。一般認定,新自由主義主張的福利民營化政策將對福利體制造成負面衝擊的同形化現象,但本研究從新制度論觀點分析福利民營化政策與執行的脫鉤/接合,揭示新自由主義造成之截然不同的後果。本研究指出民營化政策的演變以及公私部門夥伴關係的執行過程,使得新自由主義在障礙者場域出現兩張面孔:1990年代施行民營化政策後,非政府組織(NGOs)對障礙者就養照顧權益有相當的倡議空間;但是2000年代在就業權益方面則受制於制度,使得庇護員工的權益淪為市場機制決定。本研究主張,唯有探究制度演變與執行的動態過程,才能使我們更清楚地瞭解為何制度會展現出不同的樣貌。 | |
英文摘要 |
Do institutions lead to convergence? While scholars argue institutional isomorphism, some evidences have showed divergent outcomes. To fill the research gap, the study reconsiders the thesis of convergence by exploring the process of institutional implementation. The study analyzes the implementation of Neoliberalism institutions. It is said that Neoliberalism and the privatization policy have led to negative effects on welfare regimes. Yet, the study reveals divergence. As a longitudinal study, the study builds on neo-institutional theory perspective to reveal two faces of neo-liberalism. The study argues that the evolution of privatization policy and implementation of public-private partnerships are the causes lead to positive effects in 1990s and negative effects in 2000s. The study suggests that one needs to understand the process of institutional evolution, and coupling/decoupling between policy and practices in order to puzzle out the institutional effects. | |
關鍵詞 |
公私部門夥伴關係、同形化與異質性、社會福利民營化、脫鉤、新自由主義、public-private partnerships、homogeneity and heterogeneity、social welfare privatization、decoupling、neo-liberalism | |
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起訖頁 |
155-201 | |
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