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- 出版單位:東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
中文篇名 |
由單一走向多元:前瞻香港社會企業發展趨勢 免費試閱 | |
英文篇名 |
From Unitary to Pluralistic: Projecting the Development Trajectories of Social Enterprises in Hong Kong | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
近年來,香港社會企業的發展模式由單一走向多元,推動者與參與者的背景亦愈趨多樣化,這從側面反映出香港公民社會的發展狀況。社會企業在香港出現,最初是由政府及一些較具規模的社會服務機構所主導,主要是為弱勢社群創造職位,推動就業融合;然而經過十多年的發展,社會企業所追求的社會目標逐漸變得多樣化,除了創造就業,愈來愈多社會企業嘗試以其他創新的營運模式,更廣泛的從企業組織的各個經濟環節創造社會價值。本研究嘗試提出一套嶄新的分析框架,從四個最基本的經濟環節,包括:一、生產/製造;二、銷售/交換;三、消費/使用;及四、盈餘分配,瞭解不同類型的社會企業賴以創造社會價值的路徑,從而檢視香港社會企業發展的可能方向。透過對一些社會企業個案的分析,展望香港社會企業發展的新趨勢。整體而言,目前香港社會企業的發展是滿載動力,發展潛力巨大,而這完全是有賴一個富活力的公民社會,為社會企業發展提供肥沃的土壤。 | |
英文摘要 |
In recent years, the model of social enterprise development in Hong Kong has changed from unitary to pluralistic, while the diverse backgrounds of advocates and participants have also reflected the state of the development of Hong Kong’s civil society. During its inception, the emergence of social enterprises in Hong Kong was led by some of the more sizable social service organizations, with the main objective of job creation and work integration. Yet, after over a decade of development, the social goals being pursued by the social enterprises have increasingly diversified. Beyond employment creation, a growing number of social enterprises have pioneered alternative business models to create social values via multiple economic realms. With an aim to examine these possible development trends, this paper introduces a new analytical framework in understanding the process of social value creation of social enterprises through the perspectives of four fundamental economic realms, viz. (1) production/making; (2) distribution/exchange; (3) consumption/use; and (4) surplus allocation. By way of analyzing some local cases, we envision the development trajectories of social enterprises in Hong Kong. Overall, the sector shows a high degree of vibrancy and with huge potential to scale. Realization of the potential is however dependent upon a robust civil society that provides fertile soil for nurturing the sector’s development. | |
關鍵詞 |
公民社會、社會企業、社會價值創造、香港、經濟環節、civil society、social enterprise、social value creation、Hong Kong、economic realm | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
065-091 | |
出版單位 |
東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系 | |
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