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- 出版單位:東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
中文篇名 |
倚水成家:水中介的都市家戶多重領域化 免費試閱 | |
英文篇名 |
Home-Making Through Water: The Water-Mediated Multiple Territorialization of Urban Households | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
家戶並非只由人類關係構成,水的實作與意義也塑造了家戶。本研究運用基礎設施政治、領域化、邊界管理等概念,探討都市家戶的水設施、物件和管理實作,以及水的秩序、失序和意義,如何中介了家戶的領域化關係。當代家戶在公共的供排水基礎設施支持下,宛如自主領域,但停水、滲漏、堵塞、污染等失序破除了自主幻影。家戶的淨水部署、污水排除及購水實作,透露出普遍的水質焦慮。家戶用水管理鑲嵌於成員關係和生活型態,體現了性別分工。水的意義則取決於用途:飲用及烹調用水凸顯淨化意義,由淨水器材、燒煮和盛水器具及加水站等中介,涉及家戶飲食實作。與清潔有關的水凸顯流動意義,以流入淨水和排除污水的流動來完成轉化及邊界管理。水的回收利用可能出於經濟考量,但也與將家戶領域化擴延至整體環境的生態意識有關。 | |
英文摘要 |
A household is not only composed by family relationships but also composed by the daily practices with material, especially of water. This article explores the micro-infrastructures of water, technology objects, household management, and the order and disorder of water, conceptualizing such water-related practices as practices of household territorialization and boundary management. Examining the geographies of household water, we found that the water metabolism of households is closely connected to the regional water infrastructure, but such a connection is veiled by an ideology that treated the modern households as an isolated and autonomous spatial envelope. However, an autonomous modern household is soon disillusioned when encountering disorder of water, including water shortage, clogged pipes and water leak. Moreover, the deployments of water treatment technologies and the exclusion of filthy water just reveal the anxiety and awareness of water quality, and can be seen as boundary drawing and territorialization. The household water management is also embedded within family relationships, embodying the gender division of labor. The meanings of water are mediated via different water practices: the “purified water” is produced through the practices of cooking and drinking, the “flowing water” is produced through daily cleansing work, and the “recycled water” just reflects the economic or ecological concerns among water consumers. | |
關鍵詞 |
供水、家務勞動、基礎設施、邊界管理、water supply、housework、infrastructure、boundary management | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
093-132 | |
出版單位 |
東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系 | |
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