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中文篇名 |
海洋政策的政治:A. Leftwich 的菁英聯盟與發展之概念 | |
英文篇名 |
Politics of Marine Policy: A. Leftwich’s Concepts of Elites, Coalitions, and Development | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
A. Leftwich 提出過一套探究人類行為的政治研究途徑,並且給予政治此一社會現象一項過程性之定義。在此一社會性過程中,能有各式各樣的與衝突、妥協、合作等相關之人際互動出現;而在這些互動中,人們會動用自己的權力來組織各種針對資源而進行之使用、生產、分配等活動,藉此產生與重製人們的生物性與社會性之生活。在政治學與發展研究學科中,政治與發展的相關現象與定義,本身就效果上來說,便成為政治過程。再者,臺灣的海洋政策,正如發展此一現象一般,可涉及各類有關經濟成長、社會發展,以及海事與海洋之發展,且其中的相關資源能藉由各種不同的模式來加以分配。根據 Leftwich 的看法,前述各項現象均為政治活動,而其成功與否,有賴於菁英們能形塑出足夠強大的聯盟來推展新的資源分配途徑、建構新的制度以執行並維持相關的新觀念與作法,並且能夠克服阻礙,適應新環境與挑戰。因此,研究者在本研究中建議,對於發展政治及臺灣海洋政策之研究,均可獲益於使用 Leftwich 針對政治、發展、菁英、發展型聯盟及其各方相互之關聯性等等現象所設計的分析架構。 | |
英文摘要 |
A. Leftwich offered the political approach to human behaviour, in which politics is broadly defined as a process. During this process, all kinds of interactions related to conflict, compromise, and co-operation can occur, in which people exert their power to organise the use, production, and distribution of resources in the course of the production and reproduction of their biological and social life. The phenomena and definitions of politics and development in the disciplines of Politics and development studies effectively constitute political processes. Furthermore, the marine policy in Taiwan, like development, can involve various new approaches to economic growth, social development, and maritime and ocean development, through which resources can be allocated in different patterns. These are political processes and their success depends on, according to Leftwich, the formulation of elite coalitions that are sufficiently powerful to promote the new approach, build new institutions to implement new ideas in practice and sustain them, overcome opposition, and adjust to new circumstances. Therefore, I argue in this paper that the politics of development and marine policy in Taiwan can benefit from Leftwich’s analytical framework on the relations among politics, development, elites, and developmental coalitions. | |
關鍵詞 |
A. Leftwich、發展、海洋政策、政治、菁英聯盟、A. Leftwich、development、marine policy、politics、the coalition of elites | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
069-096 | |
出版單位 |
國立中正大學政治學系 | |
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