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Organization and Management
202302 (16:1期) 目錄
- 「吹盡狂沙始到金,收穫成功看我行」:探討自戀CEO如何營造國際版圖 Only I Can Do That: Exploring How Narcissistic CEOs Create an International Empire
- 面試官的失誤憂慮對給予應徵者表現評價之影響:視訊面談與現場面談之比較 The Effect of Interviewer’s Worry About Mistakes on Applicant Performance Evaluation: Comparison Between Videoconferencing Interview and Face to Face Interview
- 服務主導邏輯下共同生產、吸收能力與群體迷思對聯盟成效之影響:聯盟夥伴相似性是否重要? Co-production, Absorptive Capacity, Groupthink, and Alliance Outcomes Through Service-dominant Logic: Does Partner Similarity Matter?