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中文篇名 |
環境動盪下的中流砥柱現象:疫情前後靈性領導與信任對員工負向認知及組織自尊之影響—跨樣本研究 | |
英文篇名 |
The Tower of Strength Phenomenon in Environmental Turmoil: The Influence of Spiritual Leadership and Trust on Employee Negative Cognition and OBSE Before and After the Epidemic–A Cross-Sample Study | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
COVID-19疫情衝擊百工百業,加上通膨及全球政經局勢動盪,勞工不安、焦慮的情緒籠罩職場,甚至波及工作績效,愈是動盪不安的環境,愈需要心靈的力量,領導型態在組織行為中扮演的角色,值得探究。本研究探究新特質領導(靈性領導)對員工負面心理知覺及組織自尊(OBSE)之影響,檢驗「信任」及「意義/召喚」、「歸屬感」等追隨者因素的中介機制。本研究以便利抽樣調查疫情後306名勞工,並採用疫情前218名勞工使用相同問卷受訪之數據,進行跨樣本檢定。結果顯示,「靈性領導」對「意義/召喚」、「歸屬感」及「信任」皆有顯著正向影響,且會透過這三個因素中介正向影響組織自尊。在改善員工負面心理知覺的部分,「靈性領導」可透過「信任」中介抑制「負向認同」。「信任」、「意義/召喚」、「歸屬感」在「靈性領導」與「工作不安感」之間並未有顯著中介效果。此外,本研究靈性領導結合信任之整體模式經模型泛化檢測,疫情前與疫情後各路徑係數並無顯著差異,顯示此領導模式具穩定性與一致性,對員工認知行為的影響力不因疫情或大環境動盪而改變。 | |
英文摘要 |
The COVID-19 pandemic and global political/economic turmoil have impacted most industries. Anxiety and depression hang over the workplace and may even affect performance. This research explored the influence of “spiritual leadership” on employees’ negative psychological cognition and organization-based self-esteem (OBSE). The mediating mechanisms of “trust” and “meaning/calling” and “membership” are examined. A total of 306 employees were conveniently sampled after the epidemic, and data of 218 employees were surveyed before the epidemic (as the comparison sample) in conducting a cross-sample test. Results show that “Spiritual leadership” has a significant positive impact on “meaning/calling,” “membership” and “trust”; and also affects OBSE through the mediation of these three factors. “Spiritual leadership” can suppress “negative identification” through “trust.” However, “trust,” “meaning/calling,” and “membership” do not have a significant mediating influence between “spiritual leadership” and “job insecurity.” In addition, the overall model of spiritual leadership incorporated with trust in this study was tested by model generalization. There was no significant difference in the model path coefficients before and after the epidemic. This leadership model is stable and consistent, indicating that its influence on employees’ cognitive behavior remains unchanged in the epidemic or the turbulence of the macro environment. | |
關鍵詞 |
工作不安全感、信任、負向認同、組織自尊、靈性領導、job insecurity、trust、negative identification、organization-based self-esteem (OBSE)、spiritual leadership | |
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起訖頁 |
059-120 | |
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