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中文篇名 |
周而不比抑或比而不周?團隊差序式領導、團隊交融記憶系統與團隊績效:團隊內自己人角色的調節效果 | |
英文篇名 |
Fair or Differential Treatment? The Relationship Between Team Differential Leadership, Transactive Memory System, and Team Performance: The Moderating Effect of In-Group Team Member’s Role | |
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中文摘要 |
團隊運作與協同團隊中每一位成員不同的專業是影響團隊績效的重要元素,而團隊交融記憶系統(Transactive Memory System, TMS)則是團隊中每一位成員瞭解彼此擁有何種專業的共享整合知識。本研究連結團隊差序式領導與團隊交融記憶系統關係對團隊績效的影響,並檢驗團隊內自己人正、負向角色的調節效果。本研究資料來自85個團隊,共373位成員與85位團隊領導者的問卷,分析結果顯示團隊差序式領導與團隊交融記憶系統間呈現顯著U型曲線關係,此外,團隊差序式領導會透過團隊交融記憶系統的中介效果正向影響團隊績效。此外,研究結果亦顯示團隊內自己人正向角色會顯著調節團隊差序式領導與團隊交融記憶系統的正向線性關係。本研究結果不僅擴增了團隊交融記憶系統理論的範疇,更為團隊差序式領導理論提供更豐富的實徵證據與實務建議。 | |
英文摘要 |
Teamwork and coordination of expertise among team members with different backgrounds is increasingly recognized as important for team effectiveness. A transactive memory system (TMS) is referring to “a combination of knowledge possessed by each individual and a collective awareness of who knows what”. The study tried to linkage the relationship between TMS and differentiated leadership in teams, and vital influence team performance. Moreover, the study also proposed the positive and negative role of “in-group team member” would act as a moderator. The study collected 373 members and 85 team leaders of 85 teams from a variety of organizational settings in Taiwan. Results showed that the relationship between team differential leadership and TMS is an U-shape pattern, and team differential leadership would influence team performance through the mediation of TMS. Further, the study also revealed additional findings in that the positive role of in-group team member significantly moderated the linear relationship between team differential leadership and TMS. This research finding would broaden the theory of teams’ TMS as well as the theory of differentiated leadership empirical boundary, and also elaborate these theories application. | |
關鍵詞 |
團隊內自己人角色、團隊交融記憶系統、團隊差序式領導、團隊績效、in-group team member、team transactive memory system、team differential leadership、team performance | |
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起訖頁 |
045-089 | |
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