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中文篇名 |
參與二代會如何影響家族接班者的知識發展:社會資本的觀點 | |
英文篇名 |
Exploring Chamber Effects on Family Successors' Knowledge Development: A Perspective of Social Capital | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
本研究透過一由家族接班者組成的二代會為研究標的,以社會資本的角度探討外部網絡對於獲取傳承知識的重要性。結合質性之深度訪談與量化之問卷分析,研究發現,商會成員向幹部(占據網絡中心位置者)諮詢傳承相關問題,有助於其累積管理知識及家族溝通技巧;然而,向推薦人(占據網絡守門員位置者)諮詢傳承相關問題,則未能獲致顯著的效益。 | |
英文摘要 |
Is the chamber essential for family successors to participate? Can the participation contribute to family firm successors’ knowledge and in what way? This study aims to answer the two questions with the lens of social capital to shed new light on the chamber’s role, which is primarily composed of family firm successors. Specifically, we argue for chamber cadres’ and referrers’ importance affecting family successors’ management knowledge and family communication knowledge. With interviews and questionnaires to survey 31 family successors, the findings show that a successor’s consultation with a cadre is significantly positive to the successor’s management and family communication knowledge. However, successors’ consultation with a referrer has a negative impact on family communication knowledge. Accordingly, a “yes” to our first participation question, but “it depends” to our second inquiry. | |
關鍵詞 |
二代會、中小型家族企業、知識轉移、社會資本、家族傳承、chamber、family firm succession、social capital、knowledge transfer、small and medium-sized family enterprises (family SMEs) | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
125-165 | |
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