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- 出版單位:國立中央大學客家學院
Journal of Hakka Public Affairs
201705 (15期) 目錄
- 使命契合觀點分析客家社區產業之效益與影響:以新竹內灣和苗栗南庄兩個案為例 Using Fit for Purpose to Analyze the Effect and Impact of Hakka Community Industries: Case Studies of Hsinchu Nei Wen and Miaoli Nanzhuang
- 香茅產業所凝現的客家族群經濟風格 The Hakka Economic Style Forged by the Citronella Industry
- 屏東六堆客家地區發展第六級產業評估指標建構之研究 The Study on Evaluation Indicators of Lui-Dui Area Ripen the 6th Industry
- 客家地區社會企業個案探討:以兩個工作坊為例 A Study on Individual Case of Social Enterprises in Hakka Area: Take Two Studios for Examples