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- 出版單位:國立中央大學客家學院
中文篇名 |
從義民到公民:客家族群環境實踐評析 | |
英文篇名 |
The Evolution from Righteous People to Citizenship: An Analysis of the Hakkas’ Environmental Practices | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
台灣的客家人曾是統治者褒獎表揚的「義民」,據說性格強悍,總是與民變站在對立面,反對破壞的力量。到了當代,客家人刻意隱藏及自抑的性格,卻使得外界認為傳統客家族群是一個性格閉塞、態度消極的保守族群。在現代社會中,公民做為個體及群體中的一員,關涉法律與政治上的諸多權利義務,做為社會成員需具備主動參與、關懷社會、關懷自然、正確行為等德行,特別是在以追求開發增長為首要價值的時代,要捍衛家園、族群文化及環境福祉,往往需公民自力組成堅強的草根社團,成為對抗唯發展是圖的龐大逐利勢力的重要社會力量。然而,傳統客家族群注重穩定秩序,甚至自我標榜為效忠政府、積極協助平亂的褒忠義民,這樣的族群特質在國家或企業追求發展導致環境退化並為家園帶來環境威脅的時代,是否具有足夠的動能來加以對抗?客家族群真的是一個缺乏責任感,對社會運動或公共事務抱持冷漠、事不關己、無法主動參與和獻身的族群?針對這項疑慮,本文擬檢視台灣客家族群自清朝以來至今在公共事務參與史上所表現出來的族群形象變化歷程,並進一步探討客家族群從協助統治者平亂的褒忠義民,轉化成為捍衛家園與環境正義價值的環境公民的歷程。 | |
英文摘要 |
It was obviously that the Hakkas had a highly ethnic consciousness, they have been battled with courage to defend their homelands, Taiwan’s Hakka people were even honored by the emperors as the “righteous people”. However, the characteristic of the Hakkas has shown quite invisible and conservative in modern Taiwan society. In the time of development as primary goal, the governments or enterprises pursued economic growth and resulted in the homelands were degraded. Does the characteristic of the Hakkas dared enough to resist the destruction? Is the Hakkas really a group that lacks responsibility and remains silence on the status quo? In response to those skeptics, this paper examined the image of the Hakkas which has been changed on the public affairs in the concept of citizenship from the Qing Dynasty to modern Hakkas in Taiwan, and took the Meinong Hakka village’s anti-dam movement as an example to present the fact that the Hakkas from the role of the righteous people who stabled the sovereignty of the rulers into the environmental citizenship who defended their homelands and the value of environmental justice. | |
關鍵詞 |
公民身分、義民、環境公民身分、環境義務、環境權利、citizenship、righteous people、environmental citizenship、environmental duties、environmental rights | |
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起訖頁 |
027-045 | |
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