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中文篇名 |
客家文化加值產業之研究:一個東方美人茶業者轉型的分析 | |
英文篇名 |
The Research of Hakka Culture Value-Added to Industries: An Action Study of Oriental Beauty Tea Industries Transformation | |
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中文摘要 |
茶文化自古以來即是客家族群生活的一部分,茶山情歌或茶山對唱即為表徵,是客家茶文化代表之一。新竹縣北埔、峨眉兩鄉出產的膨風茶(又稱東方美人茶),擁有深厚的客家文化內涵,為客家族群象徵性產業。本研究以北埔鄉的「北埔第一棧」茶工廠轉型為文創觀光服務業為研究案例,診斷其轉型與升級所面臨的困境並提出具體對策。透過參與觀察及深度訪談之企業診斷的研究方法,發現此一個案雖具有多角化複合式的經營特色,但卻面臨:一、產品走低價路線,試圖往高單價產品邁進的轉型兩難;二、空間配置凌亂且動線不佳,主題不夠明顯;三、單打獨鬥無法凸顯特色;四、轉型所需人力資源短缺,招募不易,增添轉型挑戰。透過研究者與經營者的討論及協作的輔導過程,採取傳統演化為主和創新研發為輔的文化真實性管理策略,重新聚焦企業營運主題於客家茶文化、整體空間與動線重新規劃、研發新文化深度遊程,連結週邊著名古蹟與景點、開發以茶文化和在地元素為主要內涵的精緻茶餐及針對內部人力資源重新進行規劃,提出與大專院校結合等多項提升人力資源的具體行動方案。 | |
英文摘要 |
Tea culture is a part of Hakka tradition which develops Hakka Mountain Song. Planted in Hsinchu County Beipu and Emei Township, Oriental Beauty Tea is a Hakka symbolic industry. Beipu Township’s “Beipu Fisrst Inn” is an experienced Oriental Beauty Tea maker and producers, while facing tea industrial competition, it was forced to transform and upgrade its management strategies twenty three years ago. Now it takes its third time management transformation and upgrading by incorporating cultural and creative elements into its product and service. Through a comprehensive business diagnosis, some findings show that “Beipu Fisrst Inn” faces some problems of management transformation dilemma, out of focus interior space and visiting moving line, unconnected with regional cultural heritage and business and lack of needed human resources. Through co-working between author and managers, a two-ways cultural authenticity management strategy of traditional evolution and innovative development and actions were working out, which focuses on Hakka tea culture rebranding, proper space and visit moving line design, in-depth local cultural tour and tea meal introduced, rearrangement of human resources and industrial cooperation with colleges. | |
關鍵詞 |
文化加值產業、文化真實性管理、北埔第一棧、客家族群象徵產業、產業轉型、culture value-added industries、cultural authenticity management、Beipu First Inn、Hakka ethnic symbolic industries、industry transformation | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
029-057 | |
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