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中文篇名 |
都會地區客家族群認同與政策網絡之研究:以新北市為例 | |
英文篇名 |
The Study of Hakka Ethnic Identity and Policy Network in the Metropolitan Areas: Case Study on New Taipei City | |
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中文摘要 |
本研究以族群認同與多元文化、都會客家族群關係,以及政策網絡等觀點,析探台灣客家族群行政機關,推動客家事務之政策網絡分析,並以新北市政府客家事務局推動客家政策做為個案分析。本研究透過社會網絡分析及深度訪談等方法,檢閱族群認同與政策相關理論,以及新北市客家族群移墾歷程與分布、都會客家族群關係等做為客家政策網絡分析基礎;採取社會網絡分析與深度訪談法,論述新北市客家政策推動的利害關係人網絡分布中心性與群聚,以及客家族群語言傳承、文化節慶、產業經濟等議題網絡與政策成效。研究成果將做為推動客家族群政策網絡與族群認同影響的在地實踐策略,以供客家事務行政機關、企業、社團、學界與社會大眾,推動客家文化與事務之參考。 | |
英文摘要 |
With the concepts of ethnic identity and multiple culture, the metropolitan Hakka’s ethnic relations, and policy network, the study would discuss and analyze how the Hakka executive administrations in Taiwan promote the policy network of Hakka affairs, targeting the Department of Hakka Affairs of New Taipei City and the promotion of Hakka policies as case study. The research adopts social network analysis and in-depth interviews. The research examined relevant theories of ethnic identity and policies, the migration route and distribution of the Hakka in New Taipei City, the ethnic relations of metropolitan Hakka, form the analysis basis of Hakka policy network. Through the social network analysis and in-depth interviews, the research discussed the network distribution centrality and cluster of the stakeholders and the issue network and policy effects of the application of Hakka language, festive and cultural events, and industrial economy. The result of the study will serve as practical strategies for the promotion of Hakka ethnic policy network and the influence of ethnic identity. It will also offer references to the executive administration of Hakka affairs, enterprises, social groups, academia and general public when promoting Hakka culture and affairs. | |
關鍵詞 |
客家事務、政策網絡、族群認同、新北市政府客家事務局、Hakka affairs、policy network、ethnic identity、Department of Hakka Affairs of New Taipei City | |
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起訖頁 |
001-027 | |
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