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Journal of Democracy and Governance
201508 (2:2期) 目錄
- 「道」不同不相為謀?—「道德」影響動物保護政策委外可行性之研究 Those Whose Courses are Different Cannot Lay Plans for One Another? —A Research of How “Morality” has Effect on Animal Protection Contract-out Affairs’ Feasibility
- 臺灣社會企業的現狀與挑戰:兼論英、美的發展經驗 The Situation and Challenge of Social Enterprise in Taiwan: The Experiences of the United Kingdom and the United States
- 民主化的不確定性與地方派系的調適:臺灣地方派系研究的發展與展望 Uncertainties of Democratization and Adaption of Local Faction: A Review of Taiwan’s Researches of Local Faction
- 臺灣財政失衡下之預算決策分析:政治經濟學之詮釋 Budgeting Decision-making Analysis under Fiscal Imbalances in Taiwan: Interpretation of Political Economy