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查詢結果:共有 4 筆符合條件的資料

序號 篇名 作者 日期 期刊
1 一起快樂合作吧!團隊調節焦點、團隊情感氛圍與團隊績效的關係:轉換型領導的調節中介模型
Lets’ Cooperation! The Relationship between Teams’ Regulatory Focus, Group Affect Tone, and Team Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model of Transformational Leadership
黃瓊億黃家齊   2020/02  組織與管理
2 轉換型領導與部屬工作績效:探討部屬適配知覺的中介效果及部屬適應性特質的干擾效果
Examining the Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions of the Transformational Leadership-Job Performance Links: The Moderating Roles of Adaptability and the Mediating Roles of Employee Fit Perceptions
紀乃文王誼臻   2014/08  組織與管理
3 轉型領導與建言行為:文化價值觀的關鍵角色
Cultural Values as a Critical Moderator between Transformational Leadership and Voice Behaviors
周麗芳任金剛林守紀   2013/08  組織與管理
4 轉化領導、交易領導與部屬組織公民行為之關聯性分析:探討政治技能的調節角色
The Moderating Role of Leader’s Political Skill in the Relationships Between Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership and Subordinate’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior
林鉦棽高月慈賴鳳儀   2010/08  組織與管理