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查詢結果:共有 198 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
1 | 多角化及國際化程度對企業社會責任相對同業範疇表現之影響:已吸收餘裕的調節效果 The Impact of Diversification and Internationalization on the Relative Scope Performance of CSR Activities: The Moderating Effect of Absorbed Slack |
林介勝、譚丹琪 | 2024/08 | 組織與管理 |
2 | 環境動盪下的中流砥柱現象:疫情前後靈性領導與信任對員工負向認知及組織自尊之影響—跨樣本研究 The Tower of Strength Phenomenon in Environmental Turmoil: The Influence of Spiritual Leadership and Trust on Employee Negative Cognition and OBSE Before and After the Epidemic–A Cross-Sample Study |
孫詩蘋、陳沁怡 | 2024/08 | 組織與管理 |
3 | 髮夾彎的策略構框:傳統機車企業如何影響電動機車產業政策的制定 The Strategic Framing of Hairpin Turn: How Incumbent Locomotive Firms Influence the Electric Scooter Industry Policy Making |
李傳楷、禹俐萌、鄭亦涵 | 2024/02 | 組織與管理 |
4 | 部屬啊!您有做自己的機會嗎?尚嚴、專權雙元領導與部屬任務績效之關聯性:以情緒調節策略揭開潘朵拉的盒子 Subsidiaries, Do You Have the Opportunity to Be Yourself? Relationships Between DisciplineFocused Authoritarian Leadership, Dominance-Focused Authoritarian Leadership and Subordinates’ Task Performance: Uncovering Pandora’s Box With Emotion Regulation Strategy |
李庭閣、周婉茹、李啟文、費吳琛 | 2023/08 | 組織與管理 |
5 | 數位技術賦能服務再造:以上海「一網通辦」改革中的「一件事」為例 Using Digital Technologies to Empower Service Redesign: A Case Study of the “One Issue” Innovation in “Government Online-offline Shanghai” Reform |
敬乂嘉、林伯韜 | 2022/10 | 競爭力評論 |
6 | 從威權體制到民主協商治理:以臺北地區防洪計畫為例 From the Authoritarian Regime to Democratic Discursive Governance: Taking the Flood Control Plan in Taipei Area as an Example |
諶錫輝 | 2022/10 | 競爭力評論 |
7 | 對釋字第785號之評析:以健康權作為加班費核發的依據是否合宜? Is It Appropriate to Use the Health Right As the Basis for Overtime Pay in the Judicial Interpretation No. 785? |
黃靖麟 | 2022/10 | 競爭力評論 |
8 | 流離尋岸:評《回歸廈門:陳安尼,一位女性在印尼、荷蘭和中國的生活》 Embarking on the Road: Book Review of Retour Amoy : Anny Tan - Een vrouwenleven in Indonesië, Nederland en China |
盧李倩倩 | 2022/08 | 民主與治理 |
9 | 一本專屬於臺灣的東南亞書籍:評《台灣與東南亞:從中華民國到台灣世代》 A Book of Southeast Asia for Taiwan: Review of Taiwan and Southeast Asia: From the Republic of China to the Taiwan Generation |
洪柏智 | 2022/08 | 民主與治理 |
10 | 建構依賴路徑:以全聯之虛實服務創新演化為例 Constructing the Dependency Path: Case Study of PX Mart’s Online and Offline Service Innovation |
歐素華、陳煥宏 | 2022/08 | 組織與管理 |