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中文篇名 |
公平貿易運動的制度化:全球化下的另類治理? | |
英文篇名 |
Fair Trade Movement and Its Institutionalization: An Alternative Form of Trade Governance? | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
南北經濟差距所帶來的第三世界貧窮問題,一直是現存全球貿易體制的難題;以幫助第三世界國家發展與脫貧為訴求的公平貿易運動,希望透過認證系統的建立,形塑另類的生產與供應鏈,來確保第三世界商品作物的價格穩定,並免受中間供應商的過度剝削。這種基於道德經濟訴求的公平貿易體系正逐步發展中。本研究主要探討以下問題:以濟貧扶弱為出發點的全球社會運動如何進行自我制度化?在制度化的過程中所形成的另類貿易網絡面臨何種治理上的挑戰與難題?因此,研究者將回顧公平貿易運動的歷史演變,探索全球社會運動如何自我組織,以及這個另類網絡是否有可能成為全球化下另一種可行的治理模式。 | |
英文摘要 |
Poverty in the Third World caused by North-South problems has been a thorny issue in the global free trade regime. Fair Trade movements aim at lifting Third World producers from poverty and assisting local developments by means of setting up fair trade standards, labeling and certifications, ultimately to create an alternative chain of production and demand to ensure price stability of Third World commodity products and eliminate the exploitation made by a range of middlemen in the supply process. The fair trade system, advocating for ethic economics, is being gradually institutionalized. This paper attempts to address the following questions: How has the fair trade movement, an example of the global social movements, been institutionalized? What are the challenges and dilemma of this alternative trade network? This paper provides a historical examination of the evolution of fair trade movements, their self-organizing efforts, and a preliminary assessment on fair trade network governance. | |
關鍵詞 |
公平貿易運動、非政府組織、全球社會運動、全球化、transnational advocacy network、fair trade movement、non-governmental organization、global social movement、globalization | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
33-56 | |
出版單位 |
第三部門學刊編輯委員會 | |
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