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中文篇名 |
公益組織面對新冠病毒肺炎後「新常態」之策略 | |
英文篇名 |
Non-profit Organizations’ Operations to Account for the “New Normal” Posed by COVID-19 | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
CNN電視臺、《富比士》雜誌(Forbes)、《衛報》(The Guardian)以及《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)都開始用一個名詞“New Normal”(新常態)來形容COVID-19疫情過後的社會秩序。研究發現,在這次COVID-19疫情衝擊下,公益組織在執行計畫、日常運作與服務提供上受到相當程度的影響, 包括:為避免人際接觸,興起數位生活與遠距工作;人心之疏離與不安,增加經濟與心理弱勢族群;經濟發展的停滯與防疫措施的規範,影響社會對公益組織的捐贈與服務參與;志工參與公益活動意願大幅降低,招募不到志工幫忙等。對公益組織而言,在「新常態」下仍能繼續提供服務的前提是,確保職員、家人的健康及避免受到病毒傳染,若遭遇員工為照顧家人而需請假或缺席時,須具有韌性與彈性因應人力的變化。此外,「新常態」下需要具有多元化的世界觀,本研究建議公益組織由傳統金字塔組織模式調整為具前瞻性與彈性以及多元世界觀的組織,研議創新的工作方式。從他國或全球的實證資料觀察,建議政府委託學術相關機構進行調查全國非營利組織或公益組織受到COVID-19疫情影響與因應方式的基礎資料,一方面瞭解與協助非營利組織的困境,另一方面也能讓非營利組織整合資源、策略聯盟與相互學習,並為進入「新常態」過程留下紀錄。 | |
英文摘要 |
CNN, Forbes, the Guardian, and the Harvard Business Review have all started using the term “New Normal.” The term used to describe the social order in the aftermath of the COVID-19 epidemic. The study found that the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on public interest organizations included the following: the impact on the organization’s ability to carry out its programs, daily activities, and the ability to make a positive impact on the community. Considerable disruption to operations and service delivery; the rise of digital living and remote working to avoid interpersonal contact; alienation of people The stagnation of economic development and the regulation of epidemic-prevention measures have affected society’s perception of public service organizations. Donations and service participation; under the impact of the epidemic, the willingness of volunteers to participate in public service activities has decreased significantly, and volunteers cannot be recruited to help. It is recommended that NGOs should ensure the health of their staff and families and prevent the spread of the virus, as this is the basis for continued service provision in the “new normal”. At the same time, the organization must learn to be resilient and flexible to changes in the workforce as employees may take time off to care for family members or be absent. The “new normal” requires a diverse worldview. The “new normal” requires a pluralistic worldview, suggesting that philanthropic organizations adjust from the traditional pyramid model to one that is forward-looking. In addition, it is recommended that the government commission an academic-related survey of nonprofit and public interest organizations across the country to examine innovative ways of working with organizations that are flexible and have a diverse worldview. Based on empirical evidence from other countries and around the world, it is recommended that the government commission an academic institution to conduct a national survey of nonprofit or public interest organizations. | |
關鍵詞 |
COVID-19 疫情、公益組織、非營利組織、新冠病毒肺炎、新常態、COVID-19 epidemic、public interest organization、non-profit organization、coronavirus pneumonia、new normal | |
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起訖頁 |
001-025 | |
出版單位 |
第三部門學刊編輯委員會 | |
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