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中文篇名 |
臺灣非營利組織管理課程分析:全國學年度課程之初探 | |
英文篇名 |
Analysis of Nonprofit Courses in Taiwan: Investigation of NPO Courses Nationwide in One Academic Year | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
儘管近年來臺灣各大學已提供非營利組織管理(簡稱非營利管理)課程與學程來因應非營利部門快速成長之就業市場人才需求,但由於過去少有針對臺灣非營利課程進行全面性探討與分析的研究,不僅是學生未能對非營利管理有完整的理解,即便是非營利管理教育相關人員與非營利管理者,恐怕也不確切知道臺灣目前的非營利管理課程以及教學方法,故提供非營利管理課程的系統性描繪實有必要。本研究運用網路爬蟲建立107學年度的非營利管理課程資料庫,針對對104所大學的681門課程進行分析,結果發現非營利管理課程之設立深受政策、學校類型、分布地域影響,大多數的課程均為基本概念或多元學科的介紹,且授課方式也較為傳統,本研究根據分析結果,對臺灣非營利管理課程提出可縮短學用落差的具體建議,包括:一、非營利管理課程專業化;二、與高中職、非營利組織合作並設立能銜接專業科別且符合非營利實務的課程; 三、建立與產業界的連結;四、開設總整課程與提升實戰能力。 | |
英文摘要 |
Taiwanese nonprofit sector is growing rapidly and universities have begun to provide nonprofit courses to meet the demand. However, there is little systematic study addressing the overall nonprofit course development in Taiwan due to the lack of a dataset. The purpose of this study is to explore systematically the development of nonprofit courses in Taiwan and to answer the following questions: (1) What is the current development of non-profit courses in Taiwan? (2) What are the teaching methods of nonprofit courses in Taiwan? To explore those questions, we first established a database of non-profit courses in from September 2018 through August 2019 with 1,634 courses in 134 universities in the database. Through selection of the nonprofit courses, we analyzed 681 courses in 104 universities and 38 non-profit programs in 26 universities. Our results show that the design of non-profit courses: (1) the impact of policies; (2) the importance of private universities and religious universities in the establishment of non-profit courses; (3) unbalanced distribution. The course design has the following characteristics: (1) development in diverse disciplines; (2) basic and introductory courses; (3) courses are mainly taught by traditional teaching methods. Finally, the following suggestions are made for considering the design and development of nonprofit courses in Taiwan: (1) specialization of nonprofit management courses; (2) cooperation with high school vocational and non-profit organizations and establish courses that can connect to majors and meet non-profit practice; (3) collaboration between industry and university; (4) enhancement of nonprofit capstone courses and associated practical capabilities. | |
關鍵詞 |
非營利、非營利教育、非營利組織管理、非營利課程、nonprofit、nonprofit education、nonprofit organization management、nonprofit courses | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
057-087 | |
出版單位 |
第三部門學刊編輯委員會 | |
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