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中文篇名 |
跨界合作與學習之搜尋模式:半導體異常排除之案例研究 | |
英文篇名 |
A Searching Model of Cross-Boundary Collaboration and Learning: Reflections on a Semiconductor Troubleshooting Case | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在探索如何以持續搜尋知識疆界的方式,促動跨界合作以排除異常之歷程。這個「搜尋模式」基於長期對半導體維修專案的田野觀察、深度訪談、非正式溝通及資料的收集與分析,採用實踐理論探索在「創新、彈性、即時關係與相互調整」的工作脈絡中,具不同專業背景的知識工作者,應如何進行跨界合作與學習?本研究發現,「搜尋模式」與其背後的三種工作實務:一、描繪實務(profiling practice):依所屬專業知識領域描繪異常的輪廓;二、探究實務(probing practice):探究異常之檢查與實驗;三、重新編織實務(reassembling practice):重新編織專業知識,以發展解決方案。此三種工作實務促成跨界協力合作、即時且持續性的情境學習。最後,本文進一步說明,如何透過搜尋模式進行跨界合作,亦即知識工作者如何透過疆界意會、疆界接替與疆界防護,有效地整合異種的專業知識、開創新知並排除異常,進而提出搜尋模式之理論與實務意涵。 | |
英文摘要 |
This study investigates how the continual search for boundaries can enact coordination for the purpose of troubleshooting. The “searching model” developed in this study was based on long-term field observations of a semiconductor fabrication case, in-depth interviews, informal communication, and data collection and analysis. The practice theory is used to explore how knowledge workers with different professional backgrounds engage in collaboration and learning in a work context characterized by innovation, flexibility, real-time relationships, and mutual adjustment. This study discovered that three types of work practice underlie the searching model: (1) Profiling practice depending on the professional knowledge of the department to which the engineers belong; (2) probing practice through inspection of abnormalities and experimentation; and (3) reassembling practice re-assorting professional knowledge to discover solutions to problems. These three kinds of work practice enact boundary-spanning coordination and ongoing situated learning. Finally, this paper further explains how the searching model is used in performing boundary-spanning collaboration, and how engineers use boundary sensing, boundary taking and boundary protecting to reorganize different types of professional knowledge, and use integrated knowledge to solve problems. Theoretical and practical implications concerning the enacting of collaboration by searching model are proposed. | |
關鍵詞 |
跨界合作、疆界物件、中介者、實踐理論、情境學習、cross-boundary collaboration、boundary object、spanner、practices theory、situated learning | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
137-182 | |
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