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中文篇名 |
敘說創業故事:覺察、學習與再詮釋 | |
英文篇名 |
Narrating an Entrepreneurial Story: Awareness, Learning and Reinterpretation | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
創業是現代組織、經濟及社會賴以生存發展的主要活動,在管理實務上受到相當的重視,近幾十年來也引發管理學者們許多相關研究與討論。然而,在早期的創業研究中,由於特定觀點的侷限,使得創業研究難以深入洞察並描繪創業過程的細節。本研究試圖透過開創的觀點,藉由創業者傅醫師對於其創業歷程的自我敘說,探究一名中醫師整體創業行動及其發展歷程。從開創的觀點,我們重新建構傅醫師從擔任中醫院院長到建立自己的中醫連鎖醫療網之一連串創業歷程行動故事,並從傅醫師對於創業歷程的回溯式自我敘說,進行資料分析與詮釋。研究發現,中醫師傅醫師的創業歷程,經歷許多轉折點:從專業醫師到醫院管理者、從接手經營醫院到開創新事業、從多個獨立的事業體到建立整體的連鎖醫療網。從創業者這些創業歷程中,我們觀察到一名創業行動者,如何從事管理、建立新事業並加以整合成中醫醫療網。因此,讓我們對於創業整體歷程,有更深層的理解,並產生了以下三點重要的意涵:一、問題驅動自我覺察,是啟動創業行動的關鍵;二、獨特田野知識的學習,累積形成創業者自我理論;三、不同情境下的再詮釋,是提升創業者想像的契機。 | |
英文摘要 |
Entrepreneurship has been an ongoing force to shape modern organization, society and economy. Its importance in managerial practice is increased, and the subject attracts more researchers’ attention. However, previous research works took an objective perspective to study entrepreneurship. But most researchers seem to neglect the interpretation of entrepreneurship. To fill in the theoretical gap, we employ the lens of “entrepreneuring” (or entrepreneur organizing) to interpret story of a Chinese medical doctor, who later became an entrepreneur. By interpreting his story, we found that triggering self-consciousness is a key to activate entrepreneurial activities, and the actor’s local practice and knowledge are the critical sources to develop his/her entrepreneurial theory. Moreover, local contexts may instigate an entrepreneur to generate innovation on business model and services. Theoretical and practical lessons are discussed. | |
關鍵詞 |
創業、開創、敘說探究、entrepreneurship、entrepreneuring、narrative inquiry | |
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起訖頁 |
67-91 | |
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