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- 出版單位:國立中央大學客家學院
中文篇名 |
美學經濟之文化脈絡析探:以客家女性企業家為例 | |
英文篇名 |
On the Cultural Context in Aesthetic Economics: A Case Study of the Hakka Female Entrepreneurs' Business | |
中文摘要 |
傳統客家文化之優美與客家人的勤儉精神,是一般社會大眾對客家的印象。客家女性傳統上具有勤奮持家、相夫教子及刻苦耐勞等「四頭四尾」之美德。本研究試圖跳脫傳統客家社會中女性的刻板印象,而轉以探討當代客家女性企業家之新形象。具體言之,本研究嘗試從客家女性企業家從事美學經濟的創業故事與個案資料淬鍊中,觀察客家文化底蘊與脈絡對其事業經營之影響,以增進吾人對客家女性企業家在美感、文化創意與商業創新等方面,有更進一步了解,期能較深入關注美學經濟議題,甚而能發現台灣客家女性企業家在文化和創新方面的主要貢獻所在。 | |
英文摘要 |
This research intends to explore the image of traditional Hakka female and the transformational role of the Hakka female entrepreneurs in the modern era. This research also attempts to investigate the business style of the aesthetic economics of the Hakka female entrepreneurs based on the methods of in-depth interview and story telling. The major focus is on how the Hakka culture can influence their business model. For a better understanding to the Hakka aesthetics economics issues, the analysis of the indigenous culture and its innovative contributions of Taiwan Hakka female entrepreneurs is employed. | |
關鍵詞 |
文化脈絡、企業家、客家女性、美學經濟、創新、cultural context、entrepreneurs、Hakka female、aesthetic economics、innovation | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
1-37 | |
出版單位 | ||
下一篇 |