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- 出版單位:國立中央大學客家學院
中文篇名 |
民眾對於文化創意產業的政策認知與產品消費經驗之研究 | |
英文篇名 |
Research on the Policy Cognition and Consumption Experience of Cultural and Creative Industries Policy | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
隨著台灣整體產業結構改變,政府為協助活絡地方經濟,提高產業附加價值及創造地方就業機會,由相關部會針對權責推動文化創意政策。本研究透過全國性的電話問卷調查,分析民眾的文化創意政策認知與產品消費經驗,以及對於產業聚集因素的看法。研究發現,文創產業群聚形成的影響因素,分別是「交通便利」、「附近有熱門景點」、「附近有同行業者」與「附近有學校」;受訪民眾消費文創商品的最主要目的,分別是「實用」、「造型特殊」、「紀念」與「美觀」。此外,從消費端的角度而言,促銷方式、地方特色、包裝設計、文化特色因素為購買產品的主要考量。建議政府可透過聯合行銷方式加強民眾對於文化創意產業與產品的認知,可從文化特色強化產業的價值,以誘發消費意願;建議業者可從自身網站強化民眾的認知,以及提高商品的功能性及象徵性且降低價格因素之影響,提高消費者購買意願。 | |
英文摘要 |
Following the transformation of the country’s entire industrial infrastructure, the government augmented industrial added value and created regional employment opportunities in order to assist vibrant local economies, and related ministries promoted a policy of culture and creativity while focusing on rights and liabilities. Our study evaluates the impact of the policy of culture and creativity from a mass perspective, and uses the country’s nationals as the target of a telephone survey to gain an understanding of the policy and the experience of consumers, in addition to focusing on the impact of industrial agglomeration. This study found that the influential factors in the aggregation and formation of cultural and creative industries are the following: “ease of communication,” “proximity to hot spots,” “proximity to people in the same line of business,” and “proximity to schools.” In terms of their degree of agreement with “the government’s classification of cultural and creative industries,” the evaluation by participants who have a “senior high school education level” is clearly higher than that by participants who have a “graduate studies or higher” education level. In terms of the statement that “the development of industry clustering is favorable to individual businesses,” the opinion of participants with a “senior high school level education” is clearly more in agreement than that of those with a “junior high school or below level of education.” We propose that government ministries can augment popular awareness of cultural and creative industries and their products by integrating sales methods and enhancing the value of the industry using unique cultural features to generate consumer aspiration. | |
關鍵詞 |
文化創意產業、消費行為、消費經驗、產業群聚、cultural and creative industries policy、consumer behavior、consumer experience、industrial agglomeration | |
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起訖頁 |
001-024 | |
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