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Journal of Hakka Public Affairs
201605 (13期) 目錄
- 民眾對於文化創意產業的政策認知與產品消費經驗之研究 Research on the Policy Cognition and Consumption Experience of Cultural and Creative Industries Policy
- 美濃客語沉浸教學對幼兒客語聽說能力之影響 Influences of Hakka Immersion Programs on Children’s Hakka Language Listening and Speaking Abilities in Meinong
- 偶然生為外省人?:當代台灣「外省客家人」的族群認同形構初探,以北市梅縣同鄉會為例 The Accidental Waishen-Ren: Exploring the Formation of Waishen-Hakka’s Ethnic Identity in Modern Taiwan
- 族群文化產業的社會鑲嵌型態與治理網絡策略:客家文化產業個案之探索性研究 The Patterns of Social Embeddedness and the Strategy of Governance Network in Ethnic Cultural Industry: A Case Study of Hakka Cultural Industry’s Exploration