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中文篇名 |
國立大學導入電子畫採購之使用行為研究:以共同供應契約電子採購平台系統為例 | |
英文篇名 |
A Study on the E-Procurement System Acceptance for National Universities in Taiwan: An Example of Inter-Entity Supply Contract E-Procurement System | |
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中文摘要 |
本研究的主要目的是探討國立大學導入「共同供應契約電子採購系統」後,使用者之使用行為。據此,本研究將科技接受模式(technology acceptance model, TAM)予以擴充,並於模式中考量「系統品質」與「資訊品質」做為「共同供應契約電子採購系統」之「系統特性」,並扮演TAM「外部變數」的角色,用以探討影響使用者的認知信念,以期預測該系統使用者的使用意圖,進而瞭解使用者的實際使用情形,以提供政府未來在改善「共同供應契約電子採購系統」之參考。本研究以國立大學「共同供應契約電子採購系統」使用者為研究對象,採用問卷調查法來蒐集資料,以郵寄方式寄發紙本問卷,總計回收有效問卷113份,再將所蒐集之資料透過結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)加以分析。研究結果發現,系統特性(系統品質與資訊品質)是提升使用者認知信念很重要及不可或缺的影響因素。因此,國立大學應就如何提升「共同供應契約電子採購系統」之系統品質與資訊品質加以檢討改進,使能符合或提升使用者的認知信念,增強使用者的使用意願,如此便可落實政府或公營機構導入採購電子化之政策。 | |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study is to examine the users’ acceptance of the Interentity supply contract e-procurement system for national universities in Taiwan by applying Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), with a focus on the role of its external variables. For this purpose, this study builds an extended TAM by incorporating two variables, system quality and information quality, about the system characteristics as its external variables to make the model more applicable. Then we draw the sample from the staff members of national universities in Taiwan who have experiences in using this e-procurement system. The data was collected by traditional mail survey with questionnaire. After that, we use the LISREL software to do the testing of our research hypotheses by applying structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. This study finds that the system characteristics are the main factors influencing user’s acceptance behavior. This means that it is essential for government to improve the system quality and information quality of the e-procurement system if they want to promote users’ use intentions and frequencies. | |
關鍵詞 |
外部變數、共同供應契約電子採購系統、系統特性、科技接受模式、電子化採購、external variables、inter-entity supply contract e-procurement system、system characteristics、technology acceptance model、eprocurement | |
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起訖頁 |
001-040 | |
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