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中文篇名 |
代表性文官的觀點析探客家文化重點發展區之推動策略:以桃園縣平鎮市為例 免費試閱 | |
英文篇名 |
An Analysis on Promoting Hakka Culture Regions through Representative Bureaucracy Point of View: Case Study of Pin Jen City of Taoyuan | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
近年來,代表性文官的議題逐漸為社會各界所重視,無論是強調形式平等的消極代表性,或注重實質利益產出的積極代表性,皆為相對少數族群所關注的焦點。因此,本研究運用消極代表性文官的「代表係數」,析探桃園縣客家文化重點發展區之一的平鎮市公所各單位的代表比率,以及推動的積極策略。研究發現:首先,藉由熱鬧的活動,帶領大家重新認識傳統客家文化,並適時注入創新元素,以傳承及發揚客家特色,並同時帶動客家產業,使其朝永續發展之目標邁進;其次,打破族群疆界,以多元文化的觀點策劃眾多客家活動,並用心督導公務人員承辦及參與客家活動;第三,藉由客家相關活動的舉辦凝聚客家族群的向心力;最後,將客家傳統文化向下紮根,並期望喚醒年輕人尋根的渴望及創意。 | |
英文摘要 |
In recent years, representative bureaucracy has gradually become an important subject in the society. Both passive representative bureaucracy, emphasizing formal equality, and active representative bureaucracy, focusing on actual profits, are central topics for minor ethnic groups. The use of the passive representation bureaucracy “representatives coefficient” analysis to explore the ratio of the Pin Jen City Hall, one of the key development areas of Taoyuan County Hakka culture representative of the unit, as well as to promote a positive strategy. The study found: Firstly, by the lively activities, led to rediscover the traditional Hakka culture and timely injection innovative elements, is to preserve and promote Hakka specialty. And then driving Hakka industry make it forward towards the goal of sustainable development. Secondly, breaking down ethnic boundaries, multicultural perspective planning many Hakka activities and supervision of civil servants contractors and participate in the Hakka’s activities. Thirdly, by the Hakka-related activities will be held to unite the Hakka people centripetal force. Finally, seamlessly down the traditional Hakka culture to take root, and expect to wake up eager and creative young roots. | |
關鍵詞 |
平鎮市、《客家基本法》、消極代表性文官、族群認同、積極代表性文官、Pin Jen City、Hakka Basic Law、passive representative bureaucracy、ethnic identity、active representative bureaucracy | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
077-120 | |
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