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Journal of Hakka Public Affairs
201305 (7期) 目錄
- 苗栗縣舞龍活動的傳承創新與聖俗轉化 Innovational Tradition and Transformation between Sacred and Secular Fields of Dragon Dance Activities in Miaoli County
- 客家節慶報導與文化觀光:以苗栗地方民俗節慶為例 Hakka Festival Coverage and Cultural Tourism: A Study on Hakka Folk Festivals in Miaoli Area
- 台灣北部客家女性入祖塔與族譜之初探:以桃園縣觀音鄉武威村為例 A Preliminary Study on the Enshrinement in the Ancestral Tombs and Documentation in Genealogy of Hakka Women in Northern Taiwan: A Case on Wuwei Village, Guanyin Township, Taoyuan County
- 代表性文官的觀點析探客家文化重點發展區之推動策略:以桃園縣平鎮市為例 An Analysis on Promoting Hakka Culture Regions through Representative Bureaucracy Point of View: Case Study of Pin Jen City of Taoyuan