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中文篇名 |
一般管理領域熱門議題與研究展望之分析:2013∼2015年 免費試閱 | |
英文篇名 |
A Study on Key Research Trends and Prospective Studies in General Management: 2013-2015 | |
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中文摘要 |
本研究延伸科技部於2006年推動進行之「熱門及前瞻學術研究議題調查」, 關注10年來國際研究趨勢的發展, 從整體觀點彙整並討論管理一學門(一般管理領域)於國際上的研究議題與趨勢。對此,我們蒐集與整理2013~2015年的科技部專題計畫、國際頂尖期刊的學術論文、國際研討會文章、特刊文章,採用內容分析法,彙整得出熱門議題、高影響力議題、新興議題與焦點議題。歸納後發現,前瞻方向的研究展望有以下趨勢:一、投注大量精力探究與社會、創新與創業等相關研究主題;二、關注不同形式的多元對象;三、強調制度複雜性對組織的影響;四、探究以實務導向為基礎的工作與工作場域的議題;五、基於資源基礎觀點的推導仍是熱門研究主題;六、採取能動性與動態觀點探究組織與管理理論;七、鼓勵來自時序、領域、層次、文化與方法等的跨際研究;八、留意外在因素與事件對組織帶來的挑戰。研究結果希冀提供相關學者掌握國際研究趨勢、瞭解熱門研究議題,以此作為討論基礎,供未來研究參考。 | |
英文摘要 |
The study aims to extend the study of hot research topics in the field of general management, which was a survey issued by MOST in 2006, to analyze the progress and trends in international research over the past decade. We collected and analyzed data from different sources: MOST projects, academic articles selected from international top tier journals, conference papers from the Academy of Management annual meeting, call-for-paper statements, and special issues in the period of 2013-2015. Through the content analysis processes, the crucial issues are organized into hot issues, high impact issues, emerging issues, and focus issues. In addition, the prospective research fields are identified as: (1) engaging in innovation, entrepreneur(ship) as well as socio/social-related studies; (2) focusing on different forms of pluralistic objects; (3) emphasizing the importance of institutional complexity; (4) exploring the practice-based work and work-related issues; (5) resource-based reasoning still as its main theme; (6) adopting agentic view or dynamic perspectives to explore organization and management theories; (7) encouraging cross-fertilization studies in temporality, disciplines, levels, cultures, and methodologies; and (8) keeping an eye on the challenges from external factors and events. This study sheds light on the research trends of international academia and identifies several productive research directions in the field of general management. | |
關鍵詞 |
內容分析、研究議題、組織與管理理論、content analysis、research topic、organization and management theory | |
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起訖頁 |
001-060 | |
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