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中文篇名 |
使命契合觀點分析客家社區產業之效益與影響:以新竹內灣和苗栗南庄兩個案為例 | |
英文篇名 |
Using Fit for Purpose to Analyze the Effect and Impact of Hakka Community Industries: Case Studies of Hsinchu Nei Wen and Miaoli Nanzhuang | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
本研究依據客家委員會2017年客家知識體系發展獎勵補助計畫引導研究領域或範疇,以台三線特色發展主軸中台三線客家產業策略進行研究,並結合政府推動鼓勵青年返回農村或社區之政策,選擇台三線兩個知名地區──新竹內灣九讚頭文化協會的好客好品希望工場、苗栗南庄耕山農創股份有限公司做為個案研究;透過使命契合觀點,如治理、企業與商業模式、財務管理、夥伴關係/協力,以及政策過程等5個面向,探討兩個客家社區產業發展的效益與影響。本研究採取文獻分析及深度訪談等方法,藉由檢閱客家社區產業與政策、使命契合等相關理論,以及新竹內灣與苗栗南庄客家族群移墾歷程、人口分布情形、族群關係與社區產業特色等做為客家社區產業分析基礎。此外,透過深度訪談法,訪談兩個研究個案社區產業推動的利害關係人(產、官、學、社團等),在客家社區產業經營過程中,對於使命契合的5個面向,審視其是否達成客家社區使命與產業經濟發展等議題。研究成果將做為推動客家社區產業的在地實踐策略,以供客家事務行政機關、企業、社團、學界與社會大眾,推動客家文化與產業之參考。 | |
英文摘要 |
This research is based on 2017 Hakka knowledge system development supported by Council of Hakka Affairs Executive. We conbined both the study of Hakka industry strategy and government’s policy of encouraging youths to return to their home village. Taking Hsinchu Nei Wan Hakka Good Hope Factory and Miaoli Nanzhuang Mountain Lodge, two famous and distinguishing location of Hakka communities for case study. Via fit for purpose prospect, administration, business model, financial management, partnership, policy process, to discuss the effect and impact of these two Hakka community industrial developments. This research adopts document analysis and in-depth interview, understanding industries and policies of Hakka communities, using fit for purpose theory, Hakka ethnic reclamation course, population distribution, ethnic relation and features of community industry as the fundation of the analysis for Hakka community industry. In addition, we interviewed stakeholders, and reviewed if the industrial development achieve the five aspects of fit for purpose theory during the business running process. The results will be used to promote the strategy of Hakka community industry practice, and provide reference for Hakka affairs executive, enterprises, academics or association. | |
關鍵詞 |
台三線、社會企業、社會效益、使命契合、客家社區產業、Provincial Highway 3、social enterprise、social impact、fit for purpose、Hakka community industry | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
001-035 | |
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