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中文篇名 |
臺灣社區組織及地方創生教學之現況探討 | |
英文篇名 |
Exploring the Current Condition of Teaching Community Organizations and Local Revitalization in Taiwan | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
社區組織及社區發展是臺灣非營利部門發展的一大特色,從早期的社區總體營造一直到近年的地方創生政策,社區組織被賦予許多不同的角色定位,並在政府整體政策中扮演關鍵的在地行動者。然而,過去文獻對於臺灣社區組織和社區發展的教學特色和趨勢缺乏有系統的探討,對於該領域教學的進一步發展停留於各說各話、缺乏整合的境況。本研究透過蒐集108年學年度臺灣各大專院校相關課程的授課大綱,並進行內容分析,藉以初步呈現目前臺灣社區組織及地方創生領域教學的特色及趨勢。經過分析發現,開設社區組織相關課程的學系以社工或長照相關系所學系居多,其次為通識課程、休閒觀光、建築及城鄉、文化創意及公共事務相關系所。此外,本研究發現許多課程強調走入社區參訪見學和進行實作, 透過在實際的場域操作或與民眾互動瞭解社區發展和地方創生如何在地實踐。整體而言,臺灣社區組織及地方創生教學呈現多元學科各自發展,並與在地社區結合實作的特色。本研究認為可透過這些特色結合跨領域教學和資源共享來提升人才培育之成效。未來研究可更進一步蒐集多年度、更廣泛的課程資料探討教學趨勢。 | |
英文摘要 |
Community organizations and community development serve as one important characteristic of the development of Taiwan’s nonprofit sector. From previous community overall building movements to local revitalization policies in recent years, community organizations serve as various roles and have become key local actors in governmental policies. However, prior literature fails to systematically examine the characteristics and trends of teaching community organizations and local revitalization in Taiwan. This research gap could impede the advancement of teaching in those areas and stay in the condition without further integration. This research first seeks to understand the meaning of community in Taiwan’s social and cultural context and the connection with recent local revitalization policies. After that, this research collects most recent academic year’s available syllabi from Taiwan’s universities (2019 Fall and 2020 Spring) and then conduct content analysis to explore the characteristics and trends of teaching community organizations and local revitalization in Taiwan. This research finds that social work and long-term care related departments have most community organization courses. Disciplines that also have relatively more courses associated with community and revitalization include general knowledge courses, leisure and tourism, architecture/rural and urban studies, cultural creativity, and public affairs departments. In addition, this research finds that many courses emphasize that they want students to visit communities or conduct community practices. By doing on-site practical work and interacting with local residents, students could have a better understanding of how to practice community development and local revitalization in the real local context. This research discusses the implications of these findings in the concluding section. | |
關鍵詞 |
地方創生、社區組織、非營利組織教學、community organization、local revitalization、teaching nonprofit organizations | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
047-074 | |
出版單位 |
第三部門學刊編輯委員會 | |
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