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中文篇名 |
同中求異:創業支持組織善用與新創團隊之關係 | |
英文篇名 |
Similar but Different: Entrepreneurship Support Organizations Leverage the Relationship with Startups | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
臺灣創業生態圈中的創業支持組織多數仰賴公部門資金的補助來維繫正當性,這類創業支持組織通常缺乏新創團隊創業歷程中所亟需之正當獨特性的支持服務。本研究旨在探討創業支持組織如何建立自身正當性,及其如何與新創團隊建立關係以取得正當獨特性,透過詮釋性質化方法,採對偶樣本分析,即創業支持組織──新創團隊互動歷程分析,探討12家創業支持組織與四家新創團隊互動歷程,瞭解創業支持組織逐步建立組織正當性與正當獨特性之歷程。本研究採用Nvivo 12分析18組創業支持組織-新創團隊對偶資料,本研究結果提出創業支持組織建立正當性與正當獨特性歷程模型,創業支持組織取得正當獨特性歷程可區分為正當性時期與正當獨特性時期兩階段,亦即創業支持組織首先透過模仿典範與正向連結機制建立創業生態圈中所期待的正當性,再與新創團隊對偶關係藉由額外效益、信任關係、口碑聲譽與校友網絡等機制,建立相較於創業生態圈中其他同類型組織的正當獨特性。本研究認為創業支持組織正當獨特性取得是循序漸進且同中求異的歷程,最後提出理論貢獻與實務意涵。 | |
英文摘要 |
Entrepreneurship support organizations (ESOs) usually rely on business capital from public sectors to gain their legitimacy in Taiwan’s entrepreneurship ecosystems. However, these ESOs lack the legitimate distinctiveness of critical entrepreneurial resources startups require. In order to mitigate such gaps, this study aims to explore how ESOs gain the legitimacy, and how ESOs establish the relationships with startups to gain the legitimate distinctiveness. The study uses an interpretative qualitative approach, as a dyad-level analysis of 12 ESOs and 4 startups, to understand how to gain the legitimacy and legitimate distinctiveness. By adopting NVivo12, as qualitatively data analysis software, 18 datasets of the dyad-level relationship between ESOs and startups are systematically analyzed. We reveal that ESOs conducts a process model with a focus on two development stages in gaining the legitimate distinctiveness: (1) legitimacy and (2) legitimate distinctiveness. Specifically, ESOs gain the legitimacy in the entrepreneurship ecosystems through two mechanisms of imitation benchmarks and positive feedback. Moreover, they further gain the legitimate distinctiveness by using four mechanisms of additional effects, trust, word-of-mouth reputation, and alumni networks. We conclude that gaining the legitimate distinctiveness for the ESOs is a gradual interactive process which seeks for similarities and differences. Finally, several theoretical and managerial implications related to the ESOs and startups are also provided. | |
關鍵詞 |
正當獨特性、創業支持組織、歷程模型、legitimate distinctiveness、entrepreneurship support organization、process model | |
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起訖頁 |
111-156 | |
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