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中文篇名 |
城市治理與社會企業發展:以臺北市建構友善政策環境為例 | |
英文篇名 |
Urban Governance and Social Enterprise Development: Construction of a Friendly Policy Environment in Taipei City as Example | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
隨著全球治理與多元社會的發展,不僅國家之間的互動熱絡,以城市為主體的跨國交流亦十分密切,城市治理因而在近年受到高度關注與討論。傳統的統治模式強調「以國家層級為治理中心」,不過,就經驗上來說,一國之內的城市或鄉村,才是居民日常生活的主要活動區域,許多民生需求和社區問題也在此區域內被滿足或解決,可說是與民眾關係最為緊密的公共治理層級。 近30年來,社會企業在各國的發展日益增長,被視為是解決社會或環境問題、或幫助社會弱勢與促進社會融合的選項。因此,本研究從城市治理的視角探討社會企業發展議題,一方面透過文獻檢閱他國的政策經驗,另一方面以臺北市為案例,分析城市治理與社會企業發展如何形成互惠共生的關係,有助於更深入瞭解社會企業與城市治理之間的關聯性。 本研究發現,臺北市的社會企業具有多元的發展樣貌,除了強化公部門人員與社會大眾對社會企業的認識與支持外,臺北市政府相關局處亦可透過建構社會企業支持平臺、培植中介組織、建立專業輔導機制、連結社會企業合作網絡、促成策略聯盟與合作等作法,建構社會企業友善發展的生態環境,讓社會企業成為城市治理的新夥伴,共同促進城市的永續發展。 | |
英文摘要 |
With the development of globalization and a diverse social environment, the relationship between countries has gradually formed exchanges between cities, and urban governance has gradually become an important issue. The traditional governance model emphasized “state-centered” governance. However, from past experience, village or city within a country is the place where daily activities of local residents take place. Needs are met and community problems are resolved in this area, it is the level of public governance that is most closely related to the people. Over the past three decades, social enterprises have been well-developed around the globe, and it’s been viewed as solution to solve social or environmental problems as well as to help the socially disadvantaged and promote social inclusion. However, how were social enterprises created and developed? Which social problems can social enterprises solve? Should social enterprise be promoted at the national or local level? These practical issues are worthy of in-depth consideration by policy maker. Therefore, this study explores the issues in the development of social enterprises from the perspective of urban governance. On the one hand, by reviewing the relevant literature to inspect the experience of other countries, on the other hand, we use the empirical study of Taipei City to illustrate how urban government and social enterprise can create a relationship of mutual benefit. This study contributes to a better understanding of the interaction between social enterprise and urban governance. This study found that social enterprises in Taipei City have diverse patterns. In addition to strengthening public official and the general public’s understanding and support for social enterprises, Taipei City government can also adopt following practices to build an friendly ecological environment for the development of social enterprises: building social enterprise support platforms, cultivating intermediary organizations, establishing professional consulting institutions, connecting social enterprise cooperation network, promoting strategic alliance and cooperation, etc. It will make social enterprises become new partners of urban governance to realize the sustainable development. | |
關鍵詞 |
社會企業、社會創新、社會融合、城市治理、政策環境、social enterprise、social innovation、social inclusion、urban governance、policy environment | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
027-058 | |
出版單位 |
國立中正大學政治學系 | |
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