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中文篇名 |
揭密:冷戰時期臺灣與東南亞國家之軍事關係 | |
英文篇名 |
Revealing the Secrets of Military Relations between Taiwan and Southeastern Asia during Cold War Period | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
2022年8月19日國立中正大學政治學系舉辦學術演講,邀請淡江大學外交與國際關係學系陳鴻瑜榮譽教授,以「揭密:冷戰時期臺灣與東南亞國家之軍事關係」為題,分享研究發現。陳鴻瑜教授提到,在冷戰時期與我國有邦交關係的國家有限,但我國卻與無邦交國家維持密切的軍售關係。這樣的軍售關係有以下幾個特點:首先,販售的武器多半是彈藥或小型武器;其次,武器均為臺灣生產,根據臺灣與美國軍售的規定,不得轉售美國出售給我國的武器,因此在提供武器的產地上,均為臺灣自產的武器;第三,出售武器的動機多半與對抗共產主義相關,並且在出售武器給某一國家時,會先徵詢與其對立國家的意見,並且獲得同意。以外交任務而言,我國政府在這一點相當成功。在冷戰結束後,軍售關係也隨之取消。本文分別說明冷戰時期美國對我國外交態度的轉變,對於軍售關係的影響;在我國政府內存在官僚之間的政治對抗,根據宏觀與微觀層次分析陳鴻瑜教授的研究觀點。本文認為,陳鴻瑜教授的演講與研究提供史料方面的證據,可作為政治系學生在挖掘知識與進行本國研究時重要的基石。 | |
英文摘要 |
This academic speech was held by the Department of Political Science, National Chung Cheng University (CCUPS) on Aug 19, 2022. CCUPS invited Emeritus Professor Hurng-Yu Chen, Department of Diplomacy and International Relations (DDIR), Tamkang University, to share recent studies. Professor Chen mentioned that countries’ diplomatic relations with R.O.C. (Taiwan) were limited during the Cold War period, but R.O.C. maintained closed foreign military sales with those who do not have diplomatic ties. There are several features regarding foreign military sales of R.O.C.. First, the majority of the weapons sold by R.O.C. were ammunition. Secondly, most weapons were made in Taiwan. R.O.C. should not be a reseller according to regulations of foreign military sales between Taiwan-US. Third, the motivation for weapon selling was almost related to counter-communism. R.O.C. consulted other countries and received their agreement while establishing relations of weapon-selling with any country. From a diplomatic viewpoint, R.O.C. was successful in maintaining such relations with countries in the Southeastern, especially with those who do not have diplomatic ties. Not until the end of the Cold War could the relation maintain. From the macro- and micro-level, this article will aim at the explanation of US foreign attitude towards Taiwan which impacted the weapon-selling, of political confrontation among R.O.C. bureaucrats, and analyze the view from Professor Chen. The studies from Professor Chen provide several historical pieces of evidence and inspiration. Meanwhile, it is vital for students who majored in political science or researched domestic politics to explore the knowledge. | |
關鍵詞 |
外交史、冷戰時期、軍售關係、臺灣與東南亞、diplomatic history、Cold War period、the relations of weapon-selling、Taiwan and Southeastern Asia | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
059-067 | |
出版單位 |
國立中正大學政治學系 | |
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