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中文篇名 |
精英動員與臺灣民眾對軍公教形象的認知 | |
英文篇名 |
Elite Mobilization and the Mass Cognition toward Military, Civil, and Teaching Personnel in Taiwan | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
2016年民進黨執政後,積極推動年金改革,引發軍公教團體的強力抗爭,同時也讓民眾對軍公教形象不同認知的衝突再度升高。為了釐清上述政治現象,本文提出三個研究問題:軍公教年金議題出現在臺灣的背景以及政治精英對該議題的論述內容為何?軍公教與其他職業在民眾的心目中呈現何種形象?哪些因素造成民眾對軍公教與其他職業的差別看法?本文所使用的研究方法有二:第一,利用次級資料分析法,透過對歷年報紙新聞報導的檢索與分析,瞭解軍公教年金議題的歷史演進與精英對該議題的論述;第二,利用電話訪問法蒐集民意資料,探析民眾對軍公教形象的認知以及形塑此態度的因素。研究發現,國民黨政府對於整體職業年金制度的規劃失當,提供政治機會讓民進黨在1990年代初期,開始有效地針對年金議題進行競選動員。不過,民進黨以少數軍公教族群為對比,訴求其他多數職業類別的動員策略,直至 2005 年才成為該黨的論述主軸。其次,在臺灣民眾的眼中,普遍認為軍公教較富有、對國家社會貢獻較少,但卻受到政府較多的照顧。最後,年齡、職業類別、政黨認同、對社會公平與否的評價、對退休待遇的看法,以及社會地位的自我認知,皆被證實會顯著影響民眾對軍公教與其他職業的差別看法。 | |
英文摘要 |
This study attempts to explore three questions: (1) How pension issues of military, civil, and teaching personnel appear on political arena? (2) What are the images of military, civil, and teaching personnel in the Taiwanese society? (3) How the images of military, civil, and teaching personnel are shaped? Both secondary data analysis and telephone interview are applied in the research. There are several findings based on empirical evidence. First, pension issues were promoted by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the early 1990s. However, pension differences were not emphasized until 2005. The evolution of pension issue was apparently connected to electoral mobilization. Second, the images of military, civil, and teaching personnel are relatively negative in Taiwan. For most Taiwanese, military, civil, and teaching personnel are rich. Moreover, they receive much care from the government, but make few contribution to the country. Third, age, profession, party identification, evaluation of social fairness, viewpoint toward pension treatment, and self-perception of social status significantly shape the images of military, civil, and teaching personnel. | |
關鍵詞 |
年金議題、軍公教、政治動員、政治精英、pension issues、military、civil、and teaching personnel、political mobilization、political elites | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
001-036 | |
出版單位 |
國立中正大學政治學系 | |
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